Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can a cyst on your ovary cause bleeding?

Okay, my last period was on April 20, I have a 24 day cycle. I had unprotected sex on Apirl 28, then on May 5 and 6 I had some very very light staining 2 times. I went to the doctor yesterday to see why I was having pain in my lower left side, he did a peetest and it was negative, and he said I have a cyst on my left ovary. Could I still be pregnant, and it is still too early to tell with a pee test? My period is due Monday????

Can a cyst on your ovary cause bleeding?
I jsut wish I could call every woman in the world and tell her that cysts are necessary for pregnancy! Every time some women hear teh word cyst they think its a problem.

A corpus luteum cyst forms after ovulation. Its job is to produce progesterone to sustain a possible pregnancy. If you become pregnant, the embryo sends an hCG message back to the corpus lutem to tell it to keep making progesterone to sustain the pregnancy. The corpus luteum continues until around the 12th week of pregnancy. I wouldn't worry about the cyst unless you doctor mentioned it was rather large, and yes you could be pregnant.

Test again in a few days if your period doesn't show. Good luck with whatever you want.
Reply:It's a little sooner now so you might be able to go ahead and try another test now. Don't get your hopes up, though, because it could be more difficult to concieve with that cyst and it can also cause some light bleeding as well.

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