Saturday, November 19, 2011

Polycystic ovary syndrome? How did you feel when you heard?

I just got back from my first gyno visit, and she told me that it is very likely I have polycystic ovary syndrome. She made it seem quite simple and easy to handle. But when I got home I started looking it up on the internet, and now I am getting worried and sad about it. She put me on Loestrin 24. I hear that this is a fairly common condition, and I wanted to ask if there are any of you with it, and how did you feel when you were told? Is it something that you will have for the rest of your life (well, the rest of your menstruating life, at least?)

I feel bummed. I'm getting married in a few months and was looking forward to starting a family with this wonderful man in a year or two.

Thanks ladies!

Polycystic ovary syndrome? How did you feel when you heard?
I bawled inthe middle of the Dr. office. I had a wonderful dr and she hugged me and was very reassuring.

It you do have PCOS, you will have it the rest of your "mentrual life" For many people, it is very easy to achieve pregnancy with a few simple drugs. However, I don't want to scare you, but I am finding out on my own there is no guarantee.

People have varying degrees of subfertility. Some can get pregnant just with taking Metformin and others go through several failed IVF rounds.

Hopefully you will be like me and have a wonderfully understanding husband who deals with it with you. When you get ready to have kids, you might be able to right away. You should be sure to have conversations with you hubby though about what you will do if you can not. It is always great to be optimistic, but it will get frustrating if everyone keeps saying it will happen when the time is right and it doesn't.

When you time comes for the great baby voyage :) just stay relaxed and calm and keep in mind there are many options for you if it prooves to be more difficult for you than others.
Reply:Hey Joanie B,

You will be fine. Once your period is regulated,you should be able to have kids. You just might need a little extra help with that. Also,remember to try and keep a healthy weight,as being overweight does not help at all.

When I was told,I was a little sad,but also glad,because I finally knew what was wrong with me(I had gone to 3 different doctors).

Yes, this is something that you will have for the rest of your life,but it is very treatable. Keep doing what you are told by your doctor,and you will be fine.

Good luck to you on your marriage,and everything else.
Reply:It's alot better than many other conditions, stop looking to the internet you'll send yourself crazy. Birth Control pills will regulate your cycle as well as cut down on ovarian cysts. Glucophage is a diabetes medicine used to treat PCOS. Many have gotten pregnant, lost weight, cleared their skin and well as had more energy on Glucophage. A diet low in refined sugars/carbs and animal fats really helps, as well as exercise.

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Why do i have ovary after my period ?

i normally have ovary pain after my period. not bad pain but occasionally off and on the day. what does this mean. i know why i have ovary pain before my period but why after?

Why do i have ovary after my period ?
because your ovary is preparing to ovulate again....that's why
Reply:Yea, what the other person said!

Can u still get pregnant after having your tubes tide and having 1 ovary removed and your unterous removed?

I think I might be having a tubular pregnency. I still have a ovary left. But lately I have been feeling very pregnant. I had gotten the flu a few weeks ago really bad and could not eat or drink for a week ( with all my other pregnencies I got sick just like that). I've been eating a lot food and seem to not get enough. Crazy dreams. Constantly having to go to the bathroom and having cramps and spotting.

Can u still get pregnant after having your tubes tide and having 1 ovary removed and your unterous removed?
I think if you're having a tubal pregnancy then it's a miracle with all you've done to prevent it, but also there should be some serious pain as well. If you're not feeling well, go see your doctor, or at least call them and ask some questions.
Reply:Got to a doctor NOW It might be ectopic and failure to seek treatment will result in death
Reply:Well, the chances that you would get a tubal pregnancy are like around that of being struck by lightning. That being said, if you don't feel right, you should visit your doctor.
Reply:you can get pregnant if you have your tubs tied they could have gone back together take a pregnancy test right away to make it known if you are indeed pregnant
Reply:Yes, it is possible for you to have an ectopic pregnancy if you still have one functioning ovary and one fallopian tube. Sometimes, tubals just don't take, especially if they have been tied versus a tubal ligation.

Ectopic pregnancies are incredibly dangerous and potentially life threatening. If you truly suspect that you may have an ectopic pregnancy, get to the doctor ASAP.
Reply:it's possible but not probable to get pregnant after a tubal. there are other possibilities so you might want to consider seeing your doctor. is it possible you are diabetic? (always hungry, peeing all the time)

Natural Herbal Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

My teenage daughter has just been diagnosed with it. I don't want to put her on hormone replacement therapy to bring on her periods (which occur about twice per year). We have extensive breast cancer in the family, and hormone therapy is frightening. Does anyone know of any natural remedies that are safe? Thank you.

Natural Herbal Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?
Homeopathic Medicines %26amp; Treatment for Ovarian Cysts, Ovary Pain Neuralgia, Ovaritis

#Apis mellifica. [Apis]

Few remedies cause as many ovarian symptoms as Apis. It has an active congestion of the right ovary going on to ovaritis, with soreness in the inguinal region, burning, stinging and tumefaction. Ovarian cysts in their incipiency have been arrested by this remedy; here one of the indicating features is numbness down the thigh. It has also proved useful in affections of the left ovary. Tightness of the chest may also be present, with the occurrence of a reflex cough and urging to urinate. Mercurius corrosivus. Hughes prefers this remedy in ovarian neuralgia. Peritoneal complications also indicate it. Bovista has also cured ovarian tumors.

#Belladonna. [Bell]

As this remedy is one particularly adapted to glandular growths it is especially useful in acute ovaritis, and more so if the peritoneum be involved. The pains are clutching and throbbing, worse on the right side, the slightest jar is painful, and the patient is extremely sensitive. The symptoms appear suddenly; flushed face and other Belladonna symptoms are present. Platinum. Ovaries sensitive, burning pains in them, bearing down, chronic ovarian irritation with sexual excitement. Much ovarian induration is present. Palladium. Swelling and induration of right ovary. It lacks the mental symptoms of Platinum, such as mental egotism and excitement. Aurum. Ovarian induration. Lilium. Ovarian neuralgias. Burning pains from ovary up into abdomen and down into thighs, shooting pains from left ovary across the pubes, or up to the mammary gland. Staphisagria. Very useful in ovarian irritation in nervous, irritable women. Hypochondriacal moods.

#Lachesis. [Lach]

Pain in left ovary relieved by a discharge from the uterus; can bear nothing heavy on region. Hughes and Guernsey seem to think that Lachesis acts even more prominently on the right ovary; others believe the opposite, the tendency of affections being, however, to move from the left toward the right side. Suppuration and chronic enlargements of ovary may call for Lachesis. Zincum. Boring in the left ovary relieved by the flow, somewhat better from pressure; fidgety feet. Graphites. Swelling and induration of the left ovary; also pains in the right ovarian region with delayed scanty menses. Argentum metallicum. Bruised pain in left ovary and sensation as if ovary were growing large. Naja. Violent crampy pain in left ovary. Dr. Hughes valued it in obscure ovarian pains not inflammatory in nature.

#Arsenicum. [Ars]

Burning tensive pains in the ovaries, especially in the right. Ovaritis relieved by hot applications. Patient thirsty, irritable and restless. Colocynth. Ovarian colic; griping pains, relieved by bending double; stitching pains deep in right ovarian region. It is also a useful remedy,according to Southwick, in ovaritis of left ovary with colicky pains. A dropsical condition may be present. Hamamelis. Ovaritis and ovarian neuralgia. Ludlam praises this remedy in the sub-acute form of gonorrhoeal ovaritis; it allays the pain and averts the menstrual derangement. Ovaritis after a blow. There is agonizing soreness all over the abdomen. An external application of hot extract of Hamamelis acts marvelously in subduing the distress and pain consequent to ovaritis. Iodine. Congestion or dropsy of the right ovary. Dwindling of the mammae; dull, pressing, wedge-like pain, extending from right ovary to uterus like a plug, worse during menstruation. Thuja. Left-sided ovaritis, with suspicion of veneral taint, calls for Thuja. Grumbling pains in the ovaries all the time, with mental irritability, call for Thuja. Podophyllum has a pain in the right ovary, running down the thigh of that side. Numbness may be an attending symptom.


Homeopathy treats the patient not the disease, complete symptoms of the patient(Mental and Physical) are taken into consideration to find the appropriate remedy which is the most similar to the patients symptoms. When prescribed according to the patients symptoms Homeopathic medicine are known to work very fast and without any side effects or complications of any kind and once cured there are no relapse or comebacks 100% cure. For more either post your complete symptoms or better to consult a reputable Homeopathic Practitioner for the successful treat ment of your ailment. Giving just the name of the disease or disorder is showing someone the tip of the iceberg what lays underneath is what you have to treat and cure. And that is the key to the success of Homeopathic Medicine.

I hope the provided information proves to be of help. Wishing you the best of health.

Take Care and God Bless you.
Reply:I've heard of cinnamon tablets being used for PCOS.
Reply:hi there

have had PCOS for many years now. Doctors tried many infertility drugs to regulate me. none worked. i tried the vitex angus( also known as chaste tree), it brought back my menstrual cycle in 3 months. I had been without a period for 13 yrs. definitely try this. Good Luck!
Reply:good luck with your endeavor, but just want to let you know that she can get cancer if you dont cycle her to get periods. do a search on pco and endometrial cancer if you dont believe it
Reply:Please check the following websites it may offer some help for your daughter. If you require anymore info please contact me.
Reply:Chaste tree berry - im going through this now,
Reply:Cinnamon and poria- radiant wonder


stay away from processed sugars

progesterone cream- oasis serine

weightloss also helps

Does the removal of a fallopian tube usually include the removal of the ovary?

I was having a conversation with someone today that said she had her right fallopian tube removed but I didn't want to ask her or sound rude.

Does the removal of a fallopian tube usually include the removal of the ovary?
No usually its just the tube they take, or they might have tied it depending on the situation. The ovaries have a lot to do with your horomone cycles and doctors always try to not mess with the ovaries if at all possible.
Reply:Not that I've ever heard...I think you get to keep the ovaries. Are you talking about having tubes tied? Getting a tube removed is sometimes an extreme measure for a tubal ligation that has failed.
Reply:You keep your ovaries.

You need your ovaries for proper hormone balance so docs fight to keep them in.

In a case where a whole tube was removed it was probably an ectopic pregnancy where the egg was fertilized and attached inside the tube. The tube then would have been damage beyond saving and so had to be removed... Not all ectopic ruin tubes but some do.

Or she was mistaken and she only had part removed so as to permanently end the chance of pregnancy.

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Is it normal to have severe ovary pain while having your period?

I have been having them mostly all year and have never suffered this before hand. I have a monthly period for 23 yrs. Any ideas?

Is it normal to have severe ovary pain while having your period?
See a doctor. Self diagnosis can be a dangerous thing. You dont know for sure its ovary pain, you assume it is! Get it assessed professionally!
Reply:It is possible you have fibroid or a cyst to be certain please see a doctor. I had lots of pain in mine too. Turned out to be hormonal.

Lots of luck to you!
Reply:get it checked could be anything
Reply:No, and you may need to take another pap test and also tell them to check for the pain that is in your ovaries. Technically that is not normal and should be checked out as soon as you can. Please! Don't drag your feet on this, It maybe minor or major where they can correct the problem. Please! Go to the doctor as soon as possible! Let me know how it went at!

Good Luck and God Bless!
Reply:Any kind of pain that crops up after two decades is a signal that something is wrong. It could be Endometriosis, it could be an endometrioma on the ovary or another kind of cyst (including even a functional one), it could be scar tissue or any number of other pelvic concerns. Best bet is to talk to your Gyn about starting the diagnostic phase, up to and including ultrasound, CT scan and/or MRI; if they cannot confirm or definitively rule out a specific condition and the pain continues, you may want to consider laparoscopic exploratory surgery with a skilled Gyn surgeon. Once inside during the surgery, they can visualize any pathology and treat it surgically and/or take biopsies from suspected areas. Medical suppression may also be considered thereafter in certain instances, including continous oral contraceptives. It really depends on what is causing the pain. Good luck and feel better soon.
Reply:yes it is normal. Unfortunately the only cure would be to get on some form of birth control , whether you need it or not. I had severe cramps for years that were so debilitating, I had to stay home during those days curled up in a fetal position. I was 16, not sexually active, but my gyno told my mom that was the only thing that could be done, due to hormones being out of whack. Try getting on the pill or shot or ring. if that doesn't help it, you may have cyst or something majorly wrong. God Bless!!
Reply:You should get that checked out soon!
Reply:You need to make you a DOC appointment %26amp; get you some good meds.

oink oink:)

When one ovary is removed, does the other over-compensate for it?

I just found out that I have a large cyst on my right ovary, so large that my entire ovary may have to be removed. Will my left ovary over-compensate since my right one will be missing?

When one ovary is removed, does the other over-compensate for it?
Not, over-compensate, but it will continue to do its job if it's functioning properly.

What kind of treatment has been suggested BEFORE surgery becomes your only option?

I had a cyst measuring 10cm on an ovary measuring 6cm, and went on Lupron to induce temporary menopause. Not fun, but avoiding the surgery was better in the long run.

Look for alternatives!
Reply:No not really as each ovary only has so many eggs in it so it will not be any different than before surgery.
Reply:Sweetheart you do not have to lose your ovary at all. I had the same problem and i went to a herbalist and he gave me herbs to melt it away. He can also give you herbs that can melt fibroids. Find a good Herbalist where you live and visit him or her. Drugs and surgery are so unecessary sometimes. Check out your alternative options first. You do not need to lose your ovary!!! Get this book..."Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau. In this book Kevin tells how to never get sick again. In the back of the book there is a list of Holistic Health Care Practitoners who treats any disease without using drugs and surgery. You can get the books free though, both the first and second book "More Natural Cures Revealed" by visiting his website, in these books there are simple ways to cure almost any disease using natural methods, this book is a must have, you just pay shipping If you join the website you can actually talk to Licensed Doctors who do not use drugs and surgery to treat diseases. Don't let Doctors fool you and take your money.
Reply:No. It will continue to release one egg every other month. If at some point you try to get pregnant you can take special hormones that causing the eggs to be released more often.
Reply:Perhaps! two organs are made to perform this function Like wise one eye, one kidney, one leg......
Reply:no ,as each one works every other month=to be sure what will happen ,ask the surgeon =good luck
Reply:No, your left ovary will not adjust for the loss of your right ovary. Since your ovaries generally rotate turnes during ovulation (month 1- left, month 2-right, month 3-left), if you lose one, you will only ovulate every other month, even though your period will still come every month. Even though one part of your system may be removed, the other parts don't know it and therefore don't do anything about it. Make sense?