Saturday, November 19, 2011

How would only having one tube and one ovary affect my planning of a pregnancy?

I know I am able to have children I have one daughter, but now I am planning on a second and don't know if this affects the way my eggs fall or not. I lost my ovary during a surgery 9 years ago.

How would only having one tube and one ovary affect my planning of a pregnancy?
I have POCS and only have a 1/4 of my right ovary remaining.

my first son was conceived 3 months after the removal of my left ovary. He is now 31/4. My second son now 20 weeks was conceived 6 months after having 3/4 of my right ovary removed. I was seeing a natropath for a fertility diet and some really disgusting herbal tablets and liquids. But I believe they helped.

My oncologist tells me that as my 1/4 ovary has done it once it should do it again. So we are trying for number 3!

To sum it all up Yes it is possible to conceive with one (or in my case less) ovary!
Reply:You really need to ask your doctor, but you would only actually ovulate every other month with one ovary, so would affect your planning.

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