Sunday, May 23, 2010

Does one ovary affect anything in the long term?

i had an ovary taken out when i was 4 because it twisted and went black or something, does anyone know if this will affect anything in the long term?

Does one ovary affect anything in the long term?
I had 1 ovary removed because of ovarian cancer and was told by my OB/GYN that the other ovary would take over all the functions and it would be just as if I still had 2. This has turned out to be true. I get my period every month and I was able to get pregnant.
Reply:If you're concerned about conceiving, I think it does a bit.

My mother was 21 years old when she had to have an ovary removed. She also had cysts constantly that had to be popped off of her healthy ovary. She was told never to expect to have children. After 11 years of marriage and never using birth control, she conceived my brother and 10 months after his birth, I was on the way.

Everyone's body is different, but the body is an amazing thing and can compensate. Talk to your doctor. I know they can now run tests to find out how many eggs you're producing and you're likely hood of getting pregnant.

Good luck!!! can still become pregnant .

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