Sunday, May 23, 2010

I have been having pain in my rt side(by my ovary) on and off since ovulation and slight cramping trying 4preg

I am due for my period on 3/7 I have taken a pregnancy test and it was negative, don't want to go to the doc yet and suggestions or advice would be great.

I have been having pain in my rt side(by my ovary) on and off since ovulation and slight cramping trying 4preg
If you are ovulating it's normal..

If late get a test

If pregnant call your doctor, might be an ectopic

If none of the above go for ultra sound, it might be a cyst

Good luck
Reply:i think it's too early to test now if you can bare the pain I mean not that sharp and it's from time to time guess it's ok..But if severe pain you should see a doctor...Best of luck

long shoe horns

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