Thursday, May 20, 2010

Does having a cyst in the ovary affect chances of pregnancy?

i have a cyst in my right ovary.will this delay my chance of getting pregnant?i have irregular periods!

Does having a cyst in the ovary affect chances of pregnancy?
Yes, it most certainly could. The other follicles in your ovaries need FSH right now - follicle stimulating hormone. Cysts gobble up FSH and estrogen, leaving nothing for the follicles to develop properly.

Do you have a history of cysts or PCOS? PCOS gals have very irregular periods and do not ovulate all the time. Cysts also form. Are you insulin resistent? Are you overweight? I'm just trying to rule some things out here.

If the cysts does not go away, you can always have it aspirated. But most cysts (if not PCOS) will go away on their own...
Reply:Sometimes haveing cyst on you ovary can. I may not beable yo have kids cause i have cyst on my ovarys. But dont think you cant cause you may be able to still have kids
Reply:No, it does not affect your chances of getting pregnant. I know those other people said it did but you're wrong. I have multiple cysts on both ovaries...some even large enough to worry doctors and i have had them surgically drained twice. I have three children ages 3, 2, 1. So just don't give up trying because your body will do its thing when its ready. I would make sure your doctor has looked at them or taken a biopsy though to make sure you don't have any cancerous cells because that could affect your chances of conceiving. But, don't worry about it cuz its nothing, ok? Not to mention that everyone has cysts that appear every month even though they're not like ours are and millions of women get pregnant.
Reply:Well Having a cyst does effect you getting pregnant but it is still possible. I would talk to an OB/GYN to prescribe you something to help. Good Luck
Reply:hi there. i constantly worried about not being able to concieve because of an ovarian cyst,i now have a 7 month old baby and am 10 weeks pregnant now,the best thing you can do is not to worry and let nature take its course.if the cyst is causing you trouble in the meantime go see your doctor.good luck xx
Reply:it could. That is something you need to discuss with your doctor because if untreated, it may make it impossible for you to have children. good luck
Reply:If the cyst is causing a problem the doctor can remove it. They usually go away on their own. However, you could have Polysistic Ovary Syndrome, which a cysts and irregular periods are both symtpons of. Please talk to your doctor and ask them to do a ultrasound and blood work to rule out POCS. Good luck
Reply:my mom had a couple when trying to concieve me. they would go up and down certain times so the doctor ran a camera thing thru her belly button to find them and then they were gonna burn them off but then it turned out that they had went back down again n all but then she ended up concieving me so i guess it all depends. have u talked to ur dr?
Reply:I too have a cyst in my right ovary and have been informed by my G.P. that I've been getting them off and on for many years now. He said it can make it harder to conceive - my hubby and I are going to try for our second anyway. These cysts do come and go, so are you sure you still have it? At any rate, my advice would be, nothing ventured, nothing gained - start trying and see what happens. If you still aren't successful after a few months, go to your doctor and see what your options are.
Reply:I don't know all your details but I had an ovarian cyst on my right ovary that twisted and torsioned and required emergency surgery. They removed the cyst, the ovary, and the fallopian tube. That was in 1995 and I have two children and 1 due afer Christmas. Hope that helped. Good luck to you.
Reply:Yes and it could be a sign of a bigger problem. I used to get cysts on my ovaries all of the time when I was younger. My Ob-Gyn would just dismiss it because I was on Birth Control. After a year of ttc, I went to see a Specialist. As it turned out, I have severe endometriosis. And it affected my chances of getting pregnant.

Don't hesitate to get this under control. Don't wait or it could be too late. Talk to your doctor about any conditions that this may be associated with. Good Luck!!

speed ice skates

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