Thursday, May 20, 2010

How is PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) diagnosed?

How is PCOS diagnosed? Is this diagnosed through a Papsmear?

When trying to conceive, were you put on fertility treatment? What type of treatment (clomid, ivf....)

Thanks :)

How is PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) diagnosed?
I was diagnosed with PCOS through a laperoscopy surgery. The doctor used a dye, went in had a snoop and took photos. If you have PCOS, your ovaries will probably look like they have a severe acne problem, lol.

When I was diagnosed with this problem I was also diagnosed with endometriosis, the doctor said that I would have to have IVF, or take fertility drugs to concieve. I was told this by three different gyno's. So I was not really careful having sex with my partner. Surprisedly I am now almost 6 months pregnant with my first babyn and its a boy! Brock, due on 10-06-2008.

Dont always believe what the doctors tell you, they can be wrong. And good luck.
Reply:it is diagnosed by a ultrasound, and blood work too. but depending on how bid the cyst is the doc may be able to feel it, but your utris being enlarged. and yes your doc will put you on fertility treatment if you want to get pregant. there is clomid and metformin..there are also other things they can do like surgery and seeing if you tubes are clogged buy putting dye in your tubes and inserting a scope too look in there and they can fluse your tubes

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