Monday, May 11, 2009

Is it possible to have a baby still if you have only one ovary and how long can it take with just one?

Had an ovary removed and was wondering what the chances i can still have kids. Has anyone lost one of there ovarys and gone on to have children and how long were you trying to get pregnant and did you need any assitant.

Is it possible to have a baby still if you have only one ovary and how long can it take with just one?
My friend was told her chances of having kids were very slim because she only had 1 ovary and it wasn't functioning properly, within a year of trying she was pregnant with twins and went on to have another 2, without and fertility treatment whatsoever, so it's worth trying. Never give up hope
Reply:I have only one and am TTC. My dr. doesn't think it will be a problem.
Reply:don't see why this should be a problem at all, may be it will take a little longer to conceive, good luck, relax and just let it happen.
Reply:the answer is yes, you only need one to become pregnant. talk to your gyn about ways to increase your chances if you are ttc.

one ovary shouldn't cause you to take longer to become pregnant but the reason you lost one ovary might. again, check with your gyn.
Reply:Hi i had an ectopic pregnancy last year and didnt lose a tube or ovary şit was repaired but i was so con cerned i talked to my gp who adviced me that lots of woman with one tube and ovary concieve so how can i have problems!And also i have heard so many woman who answered my question theyve also had ectopics and lost an ovary or tube and have gone on to have kids naturally your other ovary kicks in it may take longer but its possible i know so keep your chin up and goodluck
Reply:yeah its still possible, it might just take a little longer to get pregnant as you wont produce as many eggs.

Good luck
Reply:I read that statistically an 'average' (!) woman would get pregnant once every six months (if it didnt take nine to give birth) so I guess with only one ovary the average would go up to a year. So I wouldnt worry until youve been trying for at least a year with no result. Then maybe see the doc.
Reply:My mom had an ovary removed and was told by the Doc that she wouldn't have anymore kids. She had four more after that and got pregnant pretty soon after her surgery.
Reply:I don't know very much about this, but I do know that the average woman- when she goes through her cycles- she releases one egg from one side one month, then one egg from the other side the next month. I don't know what happens when you lose one though. Maybe your body will just know to produce an egg out of that side every month.
Reply:My mum had an ovary removed because of a cyst, and had me and my brother 16 months apart, shortly afterwards. You`d be surprised what Mother Nature can do even on half a facility!
Reply:my neighbour only has one ovary but got pregnant after 6 month off the pill which i think is a normal time scale for conceiving. but everything seemed to happen easily enough but they said they didnt have the attitude for trying to get pregnant just a hope and see if it happens kind of thing. Good luck
Reply:Yes it is possible, my mother conceived me with only one ovary. It may take longer to get pregnant, it may not, it depends what ovary that egg is (would've) been released from. You basically have a 50/50 chance.

long shoe horns

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