Monday, May 11, 2009

Natural ways to beat ovary cancer?

I met a girl recently that has ovary cancer. One of the neatest/nicest people i've ever met.

She seems to be giving up. says that she believes her cancer has metasticized (spelling?).

Has anyone here beaten cancer using natural methods? certain foods or supplements and such?

Natural ways to beat ovary cancer?
Hi Nick,

He was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer over two years ago and it had spread to his lungs. He is doing well today and has no problems from this cancer. He was on chemotherapy and took radiation but the cancer was still growing. His oncologist had given up on him. This was about a year ago.

I wrote his story on my blog if you want to read it here:

His cancer has stopped growing and he is doing great. Cancer cells are very vulnerable and I believe there is a lot we can do to treat cancer successfully.

Reply:The only thing that I could suggest is a book called, "Back to Eden", by Jethro Kloss. You can get it on It is an old-school herb book. There are remedies pertaining to cancer that have been cured. Certain herbal teas, distilled water. It should not be a substitute for Western Medicine, but if she has given up hope, it is worth a try.
Reply:Unfortunately, what I have seen is that herbs and vitamins and various other natural methodologies help to keep the person feeling better and able to stand up to chemo and radiation better, but do not cure the cancer.

When cancer has spread the prognosis is not so good; I'm sorry not to have better news for you.
Reply:cancer is a genetic defect, do you seriously think you can fix something like that by changing their diet? thats like using a fork to eat soup, its not going to happen.

and don't fall into the trap of thinking something is totally safe because its advertised as "natural" poison ivy is natural would you use it as sunblock?
Reply:Read the book "THE CURE by Timothy Brantley'

Heal your body, save your life.GOOD LUCK
Reply:There was an article in the most recent prevention magazine on page 50, it was really inspiring! You should buy the magazine for your friend and have her read it. There are natural doctors out there that say they can fix cancer but a lot are scammers so do your research and find one that is credible, it wouldn't hurt her to go to one to see what they have to say usually insurance covers it.
Reply:My mother died of a ovary cancer ; and sorry dear ; but no there nothing you can do to help her ; its a very fast cancer so enjoy every moment you can with her and theres no such thing as going to Mexico and she will be cure ; my neighbour went to Mexico ; spent 90 thousands dollars and 4 weeks after he was dead I wish I could have given you some good news ; but it would had been very dishonest of my part

speed ice skates

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