Sunday, November 15, 2009

Can someone fall pregnant with only one ovary and no menstration?

my friend has only one ovary and she does not menstrating monthly. is there a chance that she can fall pregnant one day.

Can someone fall pregnant with only one ovary and no menstration?
Yes, you only need one ovary to concieve ( I only have one and a half left after surgery) The mesntruation I am a bit concerned about because she needs to ovulate to become pregnant.

She should see a doctor.
Reply:Yes she can "get" pregnant, now falling and getting pregnant, I never heard of that one. God Bless.
Reply:maybe not, did she have a partial hysterectomy? Maybe that's why she doesn't have a menstruation. If this is the case then she may not. But on the other side if her other ovary works fine, she may be able to get medication to induce her cycle and eventually have a baby. She should talk to an infertility specialist.
Reply:Absolutely! A period does not always mean you are ovulating. Best of luck : )

The girl above me is an ignoramus. Falling pregnant is a term that is used in the UK for becoming pregnant. I am American %26amp; i know that. You cant expect everyone to use the same English words for the same meaning all throughout the English speaking world.

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