Sunday, November 15, 2009

Are women with polycystic ovary less likely to conceive a baby?

Is there still a cure for it?

Are women with polycystic ovary less likely to conceive a baby?
yes, but it is not impossible even with the cysts. However, to increase your chance of conception and a safe pregnancy drink METFORMIN everyday. I guarantee, it helps! Ya, metformin is a diabetes drug, but it will help you. I hope you try it. GOOD LUCK!
Reply:Yes - they are less likely to conceive on their own.

No - there is not a cure for it, but there are many many many treatments for fertility that works for a majority of women with PCOS. There are also diet and exercise reccomendations that can help decrease symptoms of PCOS.
Reply:i hope not. i have pcos.
Reply:I had to have both my ovaries removed from PCOD.

It was an extrememly painful condition.

Good Luck
Reply:They say its harder for a woman to concieve with this condition but I know women who had this condition to conceive no problem. One of the best cures ironically is conception and pregnancy - a friend of ours had the condition, became pregnant, and lost the condition after her first pregnancy.
Reply:You only need one ovary to conceive, but you definitely need to take care of this problem. Best of luck to you.
Reply:Just Me is correct. It is harder to conceive with PCOS but not impossible.

There is no cure and it is a progressive disease so you should discuss your options with your doctor if you are TTC.

Good luck.
Reply:Yes but the likelihood of infertiity varies according to the severity of the syndrome. There is no cure but there are many successful treatments.
Reply:Sometimes...the point is that one of the symptoms of PCOS is if your wife has polycystic ovaries, she may well also have the syndrome. Talk to your doctor about it.
Reply:yes it is less likely to conceive, I have pcos and have been ttc#1 for 4 years there is no cure for the symptoms but there is treatments, it might be less likely to get pregnant but it can happen, miracles happen everyday to ladies with pcos there is hope don't give up, and many ladies here on yahoo got a BFP with pcos

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