I just got back from my first gyno visit, and she told me that it is very likely I have polycystic ovary syndrome. She made it seem quite simple and easy to handle. But when I got home I started looking it up on the internet, and now I am getting worried and sad about it. She put me on Loestrin 24. I hear that this is a fairly common condition, and I wanted to ask if there are any of you with it, and how did you feel when you were told? Is it something that you will have for the rest of your life (well, the rest of your menstruating life, at least?)
I feel bummed. I'm getting married in a few months and was looking forward to starting a family with this wonderful man in a year or two.
Thanks ladies!
Polycystic ovary syndrome? How did you feel when you heard?
I bawled inthe middle of the Dr. office. I had a wonderful dr and she hugged me and was very reassuring.
It you do have PCOS, you will have it the rest of your "mentrual life" For many people, it is very easy to achieve pregnancy with a few simple drugs. However, I don't want to scare you, but I am finding out on my own there is no guarantee.
People have varying degrees of subfertility. Some can get pregnant just with taking Metformin and others go through several failed IVF rounds.
Hopefully you will be like me and have a wonderfully understanding husband who deals with it with you. When you get ready to have kids, you might be able to right away. You should be sure to have conversations with you hubby though about what you will do if you can not. It is always great to be optimistic, but it will get frustrating if everyone keeps saying it will happen when the time is right and it doesn't.
When you time comes for the great baby voyage :) just stay relaxed and calm and keep in mind there are many options for you if it prooves to be more difficult for you than others.
Reply:Hey Joanie B,
You will be fine. Once your period is regulated,you should be able to have kids. You just might need a little extra help with that. Also,remember to try and keep a healthy weight,as being overweight does not help at all.
When I was told,I was a little sad,but also glad,because I finally knew what was wrong with me(I had gone to 3 different doctors).
Yes, this is something that you will have for the rest of your life,but it is very treatable. Keep doing what you are told by your doctor,and you will be fine.
Good luck to you on your marriage,and everything else.
Reply:It's alot better than many other conditions, stop looking to the internet you'll send yourself crazy. Birth Control pills will regulate your cycle as well as cut down on ovarian cysts. Glucophage is a diabetes medicine used to treat PCOS. Many have gotten pregnant, lost weight, cleared their skin and well as had more energy on Glucophage. A diet low in refined sugars/carbs and animal fats really helps, as well as exercise.
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Saturday, November 19, 2011
Why do i have ovary after my period ?
i normally have ovary pain after my period. not bad pain but occasionally off and on the day. what does this mean. i know why i have ovary pain before my period but why after?
Why do i have ovary after my period ?
because your ovary is preparing to ovulate again....that's why
Reply:Yea, what the other person said!
Why do i have ovary after my period ?
because your ovary is preparing to ovulate again....that's why
Reply:Yea, what the other person said!
Can u still get pregnant after having your tubes tide and having 1 ovary removed and your unterous removed?
I think I might be having a tubular pregnency. I still have a ovary left. But lately I have been feeling very pregnant. I had gotten the flu a few weeks ago really bad and could not eat or drink for a week ( with all my other pregnencies I got sick just like that). I've been eating a lot food and seem to not get enough. Crazy dreams. Constantly having to go to the bathroom and having cramps and spotting.
Can u still get pregnant after having your tubes tide and having 1 ovary removed and your unterous removed?
I think if you're having a tubal pregnancy then it's a miracle with all you've done to prevent it, but also there should be some serious pain as well. If you're not feeling well, go see your doctor, or at least call them and ask some questions.
Reply:Got to a doctor NOW It might be ectopic and failure to seek treatment will result in death
Reply:Well, the chances that you would get a tubal pregnancy are like around that of being struck by lightning. That being said, if you don't feel right, you should visit your doctor.
Reply:you can get pregnant if you have your tubs tied they could have gone back together take a pregnancy test right away to make it known if you are indeed pregnant
Reply:Yes, it is possible for you to have an ectopic pregnancy if you still have one functioning ovary and one fallopian tube. Sometimes, tubals just don't take, especially if they have been tied versus a tubal ligation.
Ectopic pregnancies are incredibly dangerous and potentially life threatening. If you truly suspect that you may have an ectopic pregnancy, get to the doctor ASAP.
Reply:it's possible but not probable to get pregnant after a tubal. there are other possibilities so you might want to consider seeing your doctor. is it possible you are diabetic? (always hungry, peeing all the time)
Can u still get pregnant after having your tubes tide and having 1 ovary removed and your unterous removed?
I think if you're having a tubal pregnancy then it's a miracle with all you've done to prevent it, but also there should be some serious pain as well. If you're not feeling well, go see your doctor, or at least call them and ask some questions.
Reply:Got to a doctor NOW It might be ectopic and failure to seek treatment will result in death
Reply:Well, the chances that you would get a tubal pregnancy are like around that of being struck by lightning. That being said, if you don't feel right, you should visit your doctor.
Reply:you can get pregnant if you have your tubs tied they could have gone back together take a pregnancy test right away to make it known if you are indeed pregnant
Reply:Yes, it is possible for you to have an ectopic pregnancy if you still have one functioning ovary and one fallopian tube. Sometimes, tubals just don't take, especially if they have been tied versus a tubal ligation.
Ectopic pregnancies are incredibly dangerous and potentially life threatening. If you truly suspect that you may have an ectopic pregnancy, get to the doctor ASAP.
Reply:it's possible but not probable to get pregnant after a tubal. there are other possibilities so you might want to consider seeing your doctor. is it possible you are diabetic? (always hungry, peeing all the time)
Natural Herbal Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?
My teenage daughter has just been diagnosed with it. I don't want to put her on hormone replacement therapy to bring on her periods (which occur about twice per year). We have extensive breast cancer in the family, and hormone therapy is frightening. Does anyone know of any natural remedies that are safe? Thank you.
Natural Herbal Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?
Homeopathic Medicines %26amp; Treatment for Ovarian Cysts, Ovary Pain Neuralgia, Ovaritis
#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Few remedies cause as many ovarian symptoms as Apis. It has an active congestion of the right ovary going on to ovaritis, with soreness in the inguinal region, burning, stinging and tumefaction. Ovarian cysts in their incipiency have been arrested by this remedy; here one of the indicating features is numbness down the thigh. It has also proved useful in affections of the left ovary. Tightness of the chest may also be present, with the occurrence of a reflex cough and urging to urinate. Mercurius corrosivus. Hughes prefers this remedy in ovarian neuralgia. Peritoneal complications also indicate it. Bovista has also cured ovarian tumors.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
As this remedy is one particularly adapted to glandular growths it is especially useful in acute ovaritis, and more so if the peritoneum be involved. The pains are clutching and throbbing, worse on the right side, the slightest jar is painful, and the patient is extremely sensitive. The symptoms appear suddenly; flushed face and other Belladonna symptoms are present. Platinum. Ovaries sensitive, burning pains in them, bearing down, chronic ovarian irritation with sexual excitement. Much ovarian induration is present. Palladium. Swelling and induration of right ovary. It lacks the mental symptoms of Platinum, such as mental egotism and excitement. Aurum. Ovarian induration. Lilium. Ovarian neuralgias. Burning pains from ovary up into abdomen and down into thighs, shooting pains from left ovary across the pubes, or up to the mammary gland. Staphisagria. Very useful in ovarian irritation in nervous, irritable women. Hypochondriacal moods.
#Lachesis. [Lach]
Pain in left ovary relieved by a discharge from the uterus; can bear nothing heavy on region. Hughes and Guernsey seem to think that Lachesis acts even more prominently on the right ovary; others believe the opposite, the tendency of affections being, however, to move from the left toward the right side. Suppuration and chronic enlargements of ovary may call for Lachesis. Zincum. Boring in the left ovary relieved by the flow, somewhat better from pressure; fidgety feet. Graphites. Swelling and induration of the left ovary; also pains in the right ovarian region with delayed scanty menses. Argentum metallicum. Bruised pain in left ovary and sensation as if ovary were growing large. Naja. Violent crampy pain in left ovary. Dr. Hughes valued it in obscure ovarian pains not inflammatory in nature.
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Burning tensive pains in the ovaries, especially in the right. Ovaritis relieved by hot applications. Patient thirsty, irritable and restless. Colocynth. Ovarian colic; griping pains, relieved by bending double; stitching pains deep in right ovarian region. It is also a useful remedy,according to Southwick, in ovaritis of left ovary with colicky pains. A dropsical condition may be present. Hamamelis. Ovaritis and ovarian neuralgia. Ludlam praises this remedy in the sub-acute form of gonorrhoeal ovaritis; it allays the pain and averts the menstrual derangement. Ovaritis after a blow. There is agonizing soreness all over the abdomen. An external application of hot extract of Hamamelis acts marvelously in subduing the distress and pain consequent to ovaritis. Iodine. Congestion or dropsy of the right ovary. Dwindling of the mammae; dull, pressing, wedge-like pain, extending from right ovary to uterus like a plug, worse during menstruation. Thuja. Left-sided ovaritis, with suspicion of veneral taint, calls for Thuja. Grumbling pains in the ovaries all the time, with mental irritability, call for Thuja. Podophyllum has a pain in the right ovary, running down the thigh of that side. Numbness may be an attending symptom.
Homeopathy treats the patient not the disease, complete symptoms of the patient(Mental and Physical) are taken into consideration to find the appropriate remedy which is the most similar to the patients symptoms. When prescribed according to the patients symptoms Homeopathic medicine are known to work very fast and without any side effects or complications of any kind and once cured there are no relapse or comebacks 100% cure. For more either post your complete symptoms or better to consult a reputable Homeopathic Practitioner for the successful treat ment of your ailment. Giving just the name of the disease or disorder is showing someone the tip of the iceberg what lays underneath is what you have to treat and cure. And that is the key to the success of Homeopathic Medicine.
I hope the provided information proves to be of help. Wishing you the best of health.
Take Care and God Bless you.
Reply:I've heard of cinnamon tablets being used for PCOS.
Reply:hi there
have had PCOS for many years now. Doctors tried many infertility drugs to regulate me. none worked. i tried the vitex angus( also known as chaste tree), it brought back my menstrual cycle in 3 months. I had been without a period for 13 yrs. definitely try this. Good Luck!
Reply:good luck with your endeavor, but just want to let you know that she can get cancer if you dont cycle her to get periods. do a search on pco and endometrial cancer if you dont believe it
Reply:Please check the following websites it may offer some help for your daughter. If you require anymore info please contact me.
Reply:Chaste tree berry - im going through this now,
Reply:Cinnamon and poria- radiant wonder
stay away from processed sugars
progesterone cream- oasis serine
weightloss also helps
Natural Herbal Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?
Homeopathic Medicines %26amp; Treatment for Ovarian Cysts, Ovary Pain Neuralgia, Ovaritis
#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Few remedies cause as many ovarian symptoms as Apis. It has an active congestion of the right ovary going on to ovaritis, with soreness in the inguinal region, burning, stinging and tumefaction. Ovarian cysts in their incipiency have been arrested by this remedy; here one of the indicating features is numbness down the thigh. It has also proved useful in affections of the left ovary. Tightness of the chest may also be present, with the occurrence of a reflex cough and urging to urinate. Mercurius corrosivus. Hughes prefers this remedy in ovarian neuralgia. Peritoneal complications also indicate it. Bovista has also cured ovarian tumors.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
As this remedy is one particularly adapted to glandular growths it is especially useful in acute ovaritis, and more so if the peritoneum be involved. The pains are clutching and throbbing, worse on the right side, the slightest jar is painful, and the patient is extremely sensitive. The symptoms appear suddenly; flushed face and other Belladonna symptoms are present. Platinum. Ovaries sensitive, burning pains in them, bearing down, chronic ovarian irritation with sexual excitement. Much ovarian induration is present. Palladium. Swelling and induration of right ovary. It lacks the mental symptoms of Platinum, such as mental egotism and excitement. Aurum. Ovarian induration. Lilium. Ovarian neuralgias. Burning pains from ovary up into abdomen and down into thighs, shooting pains from left ovary across the pubes, or up to the mammary gland. Staphisagria. Very useful in ovarian irritation in nervous, irritable women. Hypochondriacal moods.
#Lachesis. [Lach]
Pain in left ovary relieved by a discharge from the uterus; can bear nothing heavy on region. Hughes and Guernsey seem to think that Lachesis acts even more prominently on the right ovary; others believe the opposite, the tendency of affections being, however, to move from the left toward the right side. Suppuration and chronic enlargements of ovary may call for Lachesis. Zincum. Boring in the left ovary relieved by the flow, somewhat better from pressure; fidgety feet. Graphites. Swelling and induration of the left ovary; also pains in the right ovarian region with delayed scanty menses. Argentum metallicum. Bruised pain in left ovary and sensation as if ovary were growing large. Naja. Violent crampy pain in left ovary. Dr. Hughes valued it in obscure ovarian pains not inflammatory in nature.
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Burning tensive pains in the ovaries, especially in the right. Ovaritis relieved by hot applications. Patient thirsty, irritable and restless. Colocynth. Ovarian colic; griping pains, relieved by bending double; stitching pains deep in right ovarian region. It is also a useful remedy,according to Southwick, in ovaritis of left ovary with colicky pains. A dropsical condition may be present. Hamamelis. Ovaritis and ovarian neuralgia. Ludlam praises this remedy in the sub-acute form of gonorrhoeal ovaritis; it allays the pain and averts the menstrual derangement. Ovaritis after a blow. There is agonizing soreness all over the abdomen. An external application of hot extract of Hamamelis acts marvelously in subduing the distress and pain consequent to ovaritis. Iodine. Congestion or dropsy of the right ovary. Dwindling of the mammae; dull, pressing, wedge-like pain, extending from right ovary to uterus like a plug, worse during menstruation. Thuja. Left-sided ovaritis, with suspicion of veneral taint, calls for Thuja. Grumbling pains in the ovaries all the time, with mental irritability, call for Thuja. Podophyllum has a pain in the right ovary, running down the thigh of that side. Numbness may be an attending symptom.
Homeopathy treats the patient not the disease, complete symptoms of the patient(Mental and Physical) are taken into consideration to find the appropriate remedy which is the most similar to the patients symptoms. When prescribed according to the patients symptoms Homeopathic medicine are known to work very fast and without any side effects or complications of any kind and once cured there are no relapse or comebacks 100% cure. For more either post your complete symptoms or better to consult a reputable Homeopathic Practitioner for the successful treat ment of your ailment. Giving just the name of the disease or disorder is showing someone the tip of the iceberg what lays underneath is what you have to treat and cure. And that is the key to the success of Homeopathic Medicine.
I hope the provided information proves to be of help. Wishing you the best of health.
Take Care and God Bless you.
Reply:I've heard of cinnamon tablets being used for PCOS.
Reply:hi there
have had PCOS for many years now. Doctors tried many infertility drugs to regulate me. none worked. i tried the vitex angus( also known as chaste tree), it brought back my menstrual cycle in 3 months. I had been without a period for 13 yrs. definitely try this. Good Luck!
Reply:good luck with your endeavor, but just want to let you know that she can get cancer if you dont cycle her to get periods. do a search on pco and endometrial cancer if you dont believe it
Reply:Please check the following websites it may offer some help for your daughter. If you require anymore info please contact me.
Reply:Chaste tree berry - im going through this now,
Reply:Cinnamon and poria- radiant wonder
stay away from processed sugars
progesterone cream- oasis serine
weightloss also helps
Does the removal of a fallopian tube usually include the removal of the ovary?
I was having a conversation with someone today that said she had her right fallopian tube removed but I didn't want to ask her or sound rude.
Does the removal of a fallopian tube usually include the removal of the ovary?
No usually its just the tube they take, or they might have tied it depending on the situation. The ovaries have a lot to do with your horomone cycles and doctors always try to not mess with the ovaries if at all possible.
Reply:Not that I've ever heard...I think you get to keep the ovaries. Are you talking about having tubes tied? Getting a tube removed is sometimes an extreme measure for a tubal ligation that has failed.
Reply:You keep your ovaries.
You need your ovaries for proper hormone balance so docs fight to keep them in.
In a case where a whole tube was removed it was probably an ectopic pregnancy where the egg was fertilized and attached inside the tube. The tube then would have been damage beyond saving and so had to be removed... Not all ectopic ruin tubes but some do.
Or she was mistaken and she only had part removed so as to permanently end the chance of pregnancy.
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Does the removal of a fallopian tube usually include the removal of the ovary?
No usually its just the tube they take, or they might have tied it depending on the situation. The ovaries have a lot to do with your horomone cycles and doctors always try to not mess with the ovaries if at all possible.
Reply:Not that I've ever heard...I think you get to keep the ovaries. Are you talking about having tubes tied? Getting a tube removed is sometimes an extreme measure for a tubal ligation that has failed.
Reply:You keep your ovaries.
You need your ovaries for proper hormone balance so docs fight to keep them in.
In a case where a whole tube was removed it was probably an ectopic pregnancy where the egg was fertilized and attached inside the tube. The tube then would have been damage beyond saving and so had to be removed... Not all ectopic ruin tubes but some do.
Or she was mistaken and she only had part removed so as to permanently end the chance of pregnancy.
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Is it normal to have severe ovary pain while having your period?
I have been having them mostly all year and have never suffered this before hand. I have a monthly period for 23 yrs. Any ideas?
Is it normal to have severe ovary pain while having your period?
See a doctor. Self diagnosis can be a dangerous thing. You dont know for sure its ovary pain, you assume it is! Get it assessed professionally!
Reply:It is possible you have fibroid or a cyst to be certain please see a doctor. I had lots of pain in mine too. Turned out to be hormonal.
Lots of luck to you!
Reply:get it checked could be anything
Reply:No, and you may need to take another pap test and also tell them to check for the pain that is in your ovaries. Technically that is not normal and should be checked out as soon as you can. Please! Don't drag your feet on this, It maybe minor or major where they can correct the problem. Please! Go to the doctor as soon as possible! Let me know how it went at Beagirl40@Yahoo.com!
Good Luck and God Bless!
Reply:Any kind of pain that crops up after two decades is a signal that something is wrong. It could be Endometriosis, it could be an endometrioma on the ovary or another kind of cyst (including even a functional one), it could be scar tissue or any number of other pelvic concerns. Best bet is to talk to your Gyn about starting the diagnostic phase, up to and including ultrasound, CT scan and/or MRI; if they cannot confirm or definitively rule out a specific condition and the pain continues, you may want to consider laparoscopic exploratory surgery with a skilled Gyn surgeon. Once inside during the surgery, they can visualize any pathology and treat it surgically and/or take biopsies from suspected areas. Medical suppression may also be considered thereafter in certain instances, including continous oral contraceptives. It really depends on what is causing the pain. Good luck and feel better soon.
Reply:yes it is normal. Unfortunately the only cure would be to get on some form of birth control , whether you need it or not. I had severe cramps for years that were so debilitating, I had to stay home during those days curled up in a fetal position. I was 16, not sexually active, but my gyno told my mom that was the only thing that could be done, due to hormones being out of whack. Try getting on the pill or shot or ring. if that doesn't help it, you may have cyst or something majorly wrong. God Bless!!
Reply:You should get that checked out soon!
Reply:You need to make you a DOC appointment %26amp; get you some good meds.
oink oink:)
Is it normal to have severe ovary pain while having your period?
See a doctor. Self diagnosis can be a dangerous thing. You dont know for sure its ovary pain, you assume it is! Get it assessed professionally!
Reply:It is possible you have fibroid or a cyst to be certain please see a doctor. I had lots of pain in mine too. Turned out to be hormonal.
Lots of luck to you!
Reply:get it checked could be anything
Reply:No, and you may need to take another pap test and also tell them to check for the pain that is in your ovaries. Technically that is not normal and should be checked out as soon as you can. Please! Don't drag your feet on this, It maybe minor or major where they can correct the problem. Please! Go to the doctor as soon as possible! Let me know how it went at Beagirl40@Yahoo.com!
Good Luck and God Bless!
Reply:Any kind of pain that crops up after two decades is a signal that something is wrong. It could be Endometriosis, it could be an endometrioma on the ovary or another kind of cyst (including even a functional one), it could be scar tissue or any number of other pelvic concerns. Best bet is to talk to your Gyn about starting the diagnostic phase, up to and including ultrasound, CT scan and/or MRI; if they cannot confirm or definitively rule out a specific condition and the pain continues, you may want to consider laparoscopic exploratory surgery with a skilled Gyn surgeon. Once inside during the surgery, they can visualize any pathology and treat it surgically and/or take biopsies from suspected areas. Medical suppression may also be considered thereafter in certain instances, including continous oral contraceptives. It really depends on what is causing the pain. Good luck and feel better soon.
Reply:yes it is normal. Unfortunately the only cure would be to get on some form of birth control , whether you need it or not. I had severe cramps for years that were so debilitating, I had to stay home during those days curled up in a fetal position. I was 16, not sexually active, but my gyno told my mom that was the only thing that could be done, due to hormones being out of whack. Try getting on the pill or shot or ring. if that doesn't help it, you may have cyst or something majorly wrong. God Bless!!
Reply:You should get that checked out soon!
Reply:You need to make you a DOC appointment %26amp; get you some good meds.
oink oink:)
When one ovary is removed, does the other over-compensate for it?
I just found out that I have a large cyst on my right ovary, so large that my entire ovary may have to be removed. Will my left ovary over-compensate since my right one will be missing?
When one ovary is removed, does the other over-compensate for it?
Not, over-compensate, but it will continue to do its job if it's functioning properly.
What kind of treatment has been suggested BEFORE surgery becomes your only option?
I had a cyst measuring 10cm on an ovary measuring 6cm, and went on Lupron to induce temporary menopause. Not fun, but avoiding the surgery was better in the long run.
Look for alternatives!
Reply:No not really as each ovary only has so many eggs in it so it will not be any different than before surgery.
Reply:Sweetheart you do not have to lose your ovary at all. I had the same problem and i went to a herbalist and he gave me herbs to melt it away. He can also give you herbs that can melt fibroids. Find a good Herbalist where you live and visit him or her. Drugs and surgery are so unecessary sometimes. Check out your alternative options first. You do not need to lose your ovary!!! Get this book..."Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau. In this book Kevin tells how to never get sick again. In the back of the book there is a list of Holistic Health Care Practitoners who treats any disease without using drugs and surgery. You can get the books free though, both the first and second book "More Natural Cures Revealed" by visiting his website, in these books there are simple ways to cure almost any disease using natural methods, this book is a must have, you just pay shipping www.naturalcures.com. If you join the website you can actually talk to Licensed Doctors who do not use drugs and surgery to treat diseases. Don't let Doctors fool you and take your money.
Reply:No. It will continue to release one egg every other month. If at some point you try to get pregnant you can take special hormones that causing the eggs to be released more often.
Reply:Perhaps! two organs are made to perform this function Like wise one eye, one kidney, one leg......
Reply:no ,as each one works every other month=to be sure what will happen ,ask the surgeon =good luck
Reply:No, your left ovary will not adjust for the loss of your right ovary. Since your ovaries generally rotate turnes during ovulation (month 1- left, month 2-right, month 3-left), if you lose one, you will only ovulate every other month, even though your period will still come every month. Even though one part of your system may be removed, the other parts don't know it and therefore don't do anything about it. Make sense?
When one ovary is removed, does the other over-compensate for it?
Not, over-compensate, but it will continue to do its job if it's functioning properly.
What kind of treatment has been suggested BEFORE surgery becomes your only option?
I had a cyst measuring 10cm on an ovary measuring 6cm, and went on Lupron to induce temporary menopause. Not fun, but avoiding the surgery was better in the long run.
Look for alternatives!
Reply:No not really as each ovary only has so many eggs in it so it will not be any different than before surgery.
Reply:Sweetheart you do not have to lose your ovary at all. I had the same problem and i went to a herbalist and he gave me herbs to melt it away. He can also give you herbs that can melt fibroids. Find a good Herbalist where you live and visit him or her. Drugs and surgery are so unecessary sometimes. Check out your alternative options first. You do not need to lose your ovary!!! Get this book..."Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau. In this book Kevin tells how to never get sick again. In the back of the book there is a list of Holistic Health Care Practitoners who treats any disease without using drugs and surgery. You can get the books free though, both the first and second book "More Natural Cures Revealed" by visiting his website, in these books there are simple ways to cure almost any disease using natural methods, this book is a must have, you just pay shipping www.naturalcures.com. If you join the website you can actually talk to Licensed Doctors who do not use drugs and surgery to treat diseases. Don't let Doctors fool you and take your money.
Reply:No. It will continue to release one egg every other month. If at some point you try to get pregnant you can take special hormones that causing the eggs to be released more often.
Reply:Perhaps! two organs are made to perform this function Like wise one eye, one kidney, one leg......
Reply:no ,as each one works every other month=to be sure what will happen ,ask the surgeon =good luck
Reply:No, your left ovary will not adjust for the loss of your right ovary. Since your ovaries generally rotate turnes during ovulation (month 1- left, month 2-right, month 3-left), if you lose one, you will only ovulate every other month, even though your period will still come every month. Even though one part of your system may be removed, the other parts don't know it and therefore don't do anything about it. Make sense?
Is lower back pain and ovary pain serious?
I am 5 days late, having severe lower back pain and my ovaries are killing me. I've taken two hpt's and they both come back neg.
Is lower back pain and ovary pain serious?
Here is a good exercise to do when you are on bed rest. Lie on your stomach and prop yourself up by your elbows. Slowly and gently push up so that your hips remain on the floor and your stomach and chest are lifted up. Do this as far as you can without overextending yourself. After this, roll onto your back and insert a rolled up towel under your lower back.
If you perform this exercise for three or four days and find no relief it may be because your pain is not centered in your lower back. If you feel the pain more to one side than the other you can modify this exercise. The way you do this is to go ahead and lie down. Then shift your hips away from the side with the pain. Then go ahead with the exercise as described in the above.
For more info on effective ways to cure your back pain , you can read abt it here : http://back-pain.best-health-remedy.com/
Im familiar with your situation, I’ve had back pain long ago.
Yet, I was able to say bye-bye to the pain, and now im living a healthy life (at least its back pain free :-).
Since then I’ve made my personal web page about my experiences and useful back pain treatments.
I don’t want to fill a lot of space here with my writings as there are many ways to relief the pain,
so I would recommend you to visit my site and read the detailed ebook I wrote.
And don’t worry, there is no any catch, you can read all pages online or even download it for free.
I hope you get better, and love to hear about you!
Take care!
Stephen G. Mitchel
Is lower back pain and ovary pain serious?
Here is a good exercise to do when you are on bed rest. Lie on your stomach and prop yourself up by your elbows. Slowly and gently push up so that your hips remain on the floor and your stomach and chest are lifted up. Do this as far as you can without overextending yourself. After this, roll onto your back and insert a rolled up towel under your lower back.
If you perform this exercise for three or four days and find no relief it may be because your pain is not centered in your lower back. If you feel the pain more to one side than the other you can modify this exercise. The way you do this is to go ahead and lie down. Then shift your hips away from the side with the pain. Then go ahead with the exercise as described in the above.
For more info on effective ways to cure your back pain , you can read abt it here : http://back-pain.best-health-remedy.com/
Im familiar with your situation, I’ve had back pain long ago.
Yet, I was able to say bye-bye to the pain, and now im living a healthy life (at least its back pain free :-).
Since then I’ve made my personal web page about my experiences and useful back pain treatments.
I don’t want to fill a lot of space here with my writings as there are many ways to relief the pain,
so I would recommend you to visit my site and read the detailed ebook I wrote.
And don’t worry, there is no any catch, you can read all pages online or even download it for free.
I hope you get better, and love to hear about you!
Take care!
Stephen G. Mitchel
On april 23rd i had surgery to remove a tumor on my ovary?
i take the birth control seasonale i had to have my right ovary and tube removed also this week i am scheduled to have my menustrual i am having bad cramps and pains that are occuring on the same side as where the tumor was removed is this normal with this type of surgery also it was done laprascopic.
On april 23rd i had surgery to remove a tumor on my ovary?
your body is going through alot dont freak out pain or discomfort is normal take 600mg motrin
Reply:its probably normal procedure
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On april 23rd i had surgery to remove a tumor on my ovary?
your body is going through alot dont freak out pain or discomfort is normal take 600mg motrin
Reply:its probably normal procedure
motorcycle riding boots
What are the symptoms and what are the treatments? What meds do you take if you have it. Is is life threatening.
Basically, PCOS looks like a strand of pearls [many cysts] that ring the ovaries. It is rarely life threatening. It is often genetic. And men can get it, sometimes diagnosed in them as male menopause, etc. There are great books and info on-line about PCOS. Talk to your doctor about symptoms you have that may possibly indicate PCOS.
I have had it forty years, with no idea why I kept getting pregnant and miscarried 6 times. PCOS has many symptoms, but is rarely diagnosed until the woman gets testing due to infertility. Some symptoms include storing weight in the belly area, depression, "alligator skin" patches [my armpits and my daughter's neck look like small cobblestones sitting on the skin - I scrubbed that poor kid so much, I cringe to think of it]. Skin tags, male hair patterns [girls with mustache and / or beard may have PCOS], baldness or thinning hair in the top-front area. Sleep apnea. Adult acne [my skin can't decide if I'm 50 or 15] or excess oil in the "T" zone. A steady weight increase of 5 to 20 pounds, no matter how hard you diet or exercise. A family history of late life and/or unexpected pregnancy. There are more symptoms...
Good news: my daughter, now officially diagnosed, is simply taking a basic birth control pill. Each person is, of course, an individual and should be evaluated and treatment ordered by their personal medical provider...not everyone is going to respond to BC pills like my daughter did.
How she reacted to treatment: she has energy, she is always optimistic and happy again, she went from a very stretched and strained size 3X to a size 2 in just a matter of weeks. Her skin is clear again. Her sleep apnea has improved [I no longer spend most of my days trying to get enough naptime so I could wake her up several times during the night when she stopped breathing.
Good luck!
Reply:Men can NOT get PCOS. This is a disorder of the ovaries, and its no way similar to andropause, or "male menopause" Report It
Don't be too worried - my sister has it and she is fine and has had no problems having kids either
Reply:This is many cysts on the ovary.. It can cause many menstrual problems,,,especially skipped periods. It can be a cause of infertility.
Hormones are frequently prescribed. No one knows what causes it.
Reply:It is when you form many cysts on your ovaries. I have polycystic kidney disease and my ovaries. I have had them now for over 15 years. eventually they will take over and my kidneys will shut down. or they will pop and kill me. but nothing I can do about it. no medical and no treatment available.
Reply:Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is a condition of the female reproductive tract.
Basically, tiny cysts emerge inside the ovaries, sometimes outside the ovary (on the surface), causing exorbitant amount of problems. The most common is problems with periods, such as amenorrhea (no periods) or dysmenorrhea (painful periods). Other symptoms include weight gain that is hard to lose, decreased appetite, nausea (especially in the morning), acne, excessive body hair (hirsituism), hypothyroidism, intolerance to cold or heat, headaches/migraines, abdominal cramps, irritable bowel syndrome -%26gt; Just some of the common ones.
These are all due to a decreased amount of estrogen and progesterone related to the cysts causing the ovaries to go into "sleep mode". This can be problematic for fertility, as many women with PCOS often are infertile.
But its often a chicken or the egg situation as infertility is directly linked to one's weight. So the more obese one is, the more infertile they become. And with PCOS, the little estrogen that the ovaries do make become attracted to the fat cells of the body.....causing weight gain and making it impossible (almost impossible) to lose. Its a vicious cycle.
So one of the main nursing interventions for women with PCOS is healthy diet and a regular exercise program. We want to take the ovaries out of "sleep" or hibernate mode and back into full functioning mode.
Some doctors give oral birth control to try and regulate one's period by chemically manipulating the ovarian hormone functioning of estrogen and progesterone. But this is risky, and not every women can tolerate birth control pills.
As I said, a lot of this is healthy lifestyle, diet %26amp; weight control, stress reduction, etc.
PCOS is not life-threatening condition. It can not kill you. But it can make you infertile, causing immense emotional scarring, even for women who never thought of themselves as mothers, to be put into a stage of early menopause is debilitating.
I hope that gives you some insight into PCOS.
Reply:Poly means many, i am sure you know what a cyst is so there are many cyst on the overies.There are many kinds of cyst.
Basically, PCOS looks like a strand of pearls [many cysts] that ring the ovaries. It is rarely life threatening. It is often genetic. And men can get it, sometimes diagnosed in them as male menopause, etc. There are great books and info on-line about PCOS. Talk to your doctor about symptoms you have that may possibly indicate PCOS.
I have had it forty years, with no idea why I kept getting pregnant and miscarried 6 times. PCOS has many symptoms, but is rarely diagnosed until the woman gets testing due to infertility. Some symptoms include storing weight in the belly area, depression, "alligator skin" patches [my armpits and my daughter's neck look like small cobblestones sitting on the skin - I scrubbed that poor kid so much, I cringe to think of it]. Skin tags, male hair patterns [girls with mustache and / or beard may have PCOS], baldness or thinning hair in the top-front area. Sleep apnea. Adult acne [my skin can't decide if I'm 50 or 15] or excess oil in the "T" zone. A steady weight increase of 5 to 20 pounds, no matter how hard you diet or exercise. A family history of late life and/or unexpected pregnancy. There are more symptoms...
Good news: my daughter, now officially diagnosed, is simply taking a basic birth control pill. Each person is, of course, an individual and should be evaluated and treatment ordered by their personal medical provider...not everyone is going to respond to BC pills like my daughter did.
How she reacted to treatment: she has energy, she is always optimistic and happy again, she went from a very stretched and strained size 3X to a size 2 in just a matter of weeks. Her skin is clear again. Her sleep apnea has improved [I no longer spend most of my days trying to get enough naptime so I could wake her up several times during the night when she stopped breathing.
Good luck!
Reply:Men can NOT get PCOS. This is a disorder of the ovaries, and its no way similar to andropause, or "male menopause" Report It
Don't be too worried - my sister has it and she is fine and has had no problems having kids either
Reply:This is many cysts on the ovary.. It can cause many menstrual problems,,,especially skipped periods. It can be a cause of infertility.
Hormones are frequently prescribed. No one knows what causes it.
Reply:It is when you form many cysts on your ovaries. I have polycystic kidney disease and my ovaries. I have had them now for over 15 years. eventually they will take over and my kidneys will shut down. or they will pop and kill me. but nothing I can do about it. no medical and no treatment available.
Reply:Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is a condition of the female reproductive tract.
Basically, tiny cysts emerge inside the ovaries, sometimes outside the ovary (on the surface), causing exorbitant amount of problems. The most common is problems with periods, such as amenorrhea (no periods) or dysmenorrhea (painful periods). Other symptoms include weight gain that is hard to lose, decreased appetite, nausea (especially in the morning), acne, excessive body hair (hirsituism), hypothyroidism, intolerance to cold or heat, headaches/migraines, abdominal cramps, irritable bowel syndrome -%26gt; Just some of the common ones.
These are all due to a decreased amount of estrogen and progesterone related to the cysts causing the ovaries to go into "sleep mode". This can be problematic for fertility, as many women with PCOS often are infertile.
But its often a chicken or the egg situation as infertility is directly linked to one's weight. So the more obese one is, the more infertile they become. And with PCOS, the little estrogen that the ovaries do make become attracted to the fat cells of the body.....causing weight gain and making it impossible (almost impossible) to lose. Its a vicious cycle.
So one of the main nursing interventions for women with PCOS is healthy diet and a regular exercise program. We want to take the ovaries out of "sleep" or hibernate mode and back into full functioning mode.
Some doctors give oral birth control to try and regulate one's period by chemically manipulating the ovarian hormone functioning of estrogen and progesterone. But this is risky, and not every women can tolerate birth control pills.
As I said, a lot of this is healthy lifestyle, diet %26amp; weight control, stress reduction, etc.
PCOS is not life-threatening condition. It can not kill you. But it can make you infertile, causing immense emotional scarring, even for women who never thought of themselves as mothers, to be put into a stage of early menopause is debilitating.
I hope that gives you some insight into PCOS.
Reply:Poly means many, i am sure you know what a cyst is so there are many cyst on the overies.There are many kinds of cyst.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome While trying to conceive. I just went for my annual exam and was talking to my docto
about getting pregnant and she went into the fact that I had a very irregular period and was the first doctor to tell me that I could possibly have something called pollycystic ovary syndrome. She didn't diagnose me but she did say it was a possibility and in that case would be a little more difficult for me to become pregnant. I'm only 22 and we weren't expecting a pregnancy with out first child but now that we actually are trying all these things are coming up that are starting to worry me. The doctor did say that loosing as little as 10 lbs could make a world of difference in trying to become pregnant if i did indeed have polycystic ovary syndrome but I'm still a little depressed because of the thought of it being a possibility I might have a hard time getting pregnant ever again. Has anyone ever dealt with this? Any good advice. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks to all in advance.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome While trying to conceive. I just went for my annual exam and was talking to my docto
I have PCOS. It is hard to conceive with PCOS, but not impossible. Before you get too worried about it, I would ask your dr to test you for PCOS. This would include bloodwork to see if your hormones are out of whack, and also an ultrasound to check for cysts on your ovaries. Some women have all of the symptoms, and some have only one. I found it best, to search the internet for any info I could find on PCOS. Some of the symptoms are - abnormal hair growth on your face, back or chest, acne especially on the jawline, weight gain, especially in your middle area, skin tags, depression, and fatigue. Hope this helps a little bit, but my best advice would be to get your dr to run the tests, just to ease your mind.
Reply:I was diagnosed with PCOS back in Dec. 2006 while trying to get pregnant. I will recommend you make an appointment with your Gyn or with an infertility specialist RE, they will be able to do tests to help determine if you have PCOS or not. Having PCOS could make it difficult to get pregnant but not impossible. Good luck to you.
Reply:I too have PCOS. And to be honest when I first found out that I would have a hard time getting pregnant I wanted to cry. But then I decided to see an infertity specialist who ran a bunch of exams on me and immediately put me on medication. My particular problem is that #1 my periods were/are very irregular and I am not ovulating. I have been on medication/ treatment for close to a year now. Sadly enough I am not pregnant YET but I have read so many great and positive stories of women of all ages who suffer from PCOS and have had positive results.........Just remember try to remain clam and I know that it is easiler said than done- Believe me I know! Another thing is that you will need a good support system because if you do not get pregnant immediatley you will need your "support system" to step up and help you through such a difficult time....
I wish you and your hubby the very best !!!
Good Luck and God Bless !!
Reply:I to have pcos, I have been ttc for 4 years now, nothing happen as yet, it is possible to have a baby but it would take sometime to, i did clomid for 3 cycle witout any luck I am currenlty on clomid 100mg (3-7) and metformin hope it do the work this month
Reply:I have PCOS and iam unable to conceive which is very heartbreaking but i have found light at the end of the tunnel we are undergoing IVF. Iam only 22 as well.
It its so hard to lose the weight i found that the metformin worked for me.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome While trying to conceive. I just went for my annual exam and was talking to my docto
I have PCOS. It is hard to conceive with PCOS, but not impossible. Before you get too worried about it, I would ask your dr to test you for PCOS. This would include bloodwork to see if your hormones are out of whack, and also an ultrasound to check for cysts on your ovaries. Some women have all of the symptoms, and some have only one. I found it best, to search the internet for any info I could find on PCOS. Some of the symptoms are - abnormal hair growth on your face, back or chest, acne especially on the jawline, weight gain, especially in your middle area, skin tags, depression, and fatigue. Hope this helps a little bit, but my best advice would be to get your dr to run the tests, just to ease your mind.
Reply:I was diagnosed with PCOS back in Dec. 2006 while trying to get pregnant. I will recommend you make an appointment with your Gyn or with an infertility specialist RE, they will be able to do tests to help determine if you have PCOS or not. Having PCOS could make it difficult to get pregnant but not impossible. Good luck to you.
Reply:I too have PCOS. And to be honest when I first found out that I would have a hard time getting pregnant I wanted to cry. But then I decided to see an infertity specialist who ran a bunch of exams on me and immediately put me on medication. My particular problem is that #1 my periods were/are very irregular and I am not ovulating. I have been on medication/ treatment for close to a year now. Sadly enough I am not pregnant YET but I have read so many great and positive stories of women of all ages who suffer from PCOS and have had positive results.........Just remember try to remain clam and I know that it is easiler said than done- Believe me I know! Another thing is that you will need a good support system because if you do not get pregnant immediatley you will need your "support system" to step up and help you through such a difficult time....
I wish you and your hubby the very best !!!
Good Luck and God Bless !!
Reply:I to have pcos, I have been ttc for 4 years now, nothing happen as yet, it is possible to have a baby but it would take sometime to, i did clomid for 3 cycle witout any luck I am currenlty on clomid 100mg (3-7) and metformin hope it do the work this month
Reply:I have PCOS and iam unable to conceive which is very heartbreaking but i have found light at the end of the tunnel we are undergoing IVF. Iam only 22 as well.
It its so hard to lose the weight i found that the metformin worked for me.
What are the chances to get pregnant people who have scar on the ovary?
How did you get a scar on your ovary? I have endometriosis which causes scarring on my ovaries, tubes, uterus and other organs. Each women is different. My chances of conceiving a child naturally was less than 2%. We finally got pregnant by IVF which our chances were 50%. Good Luck!!!
What are the chances to get pregnant people who have scar on the ovary?
I had sever endometriosis when I was younger. After several surgeries to remove cysts, the doctors told me that my chances of becoming pregnant were very slim due to the scarring I had. However, just a short time after I got married, we were expecting our first child!
I believe the chances are different for each individual. So many factors (extent of scarring, level of natural fertility, age, etc.) affect fertility that it is difficult to say without knowing a full medical history.
No matter what, keep trying. We didn't give up and now I have two gorgeous children and have been a surrogate mother three times!
Good luck!
Reply:my mom had something wrong with one of her ovaries, possibly a scar, and she ended up having two more kids... so it's not impossible.
What are the chances to get pregnant people who have scar on the ovary?
I had sever endometriosis when I was younger. After several surgeries to remove cysts, the doctors told me that my chances of becoming pregnant were very slim due to the scarring I had. However, just a short time after I got married, we were expecting our first child!
I believe the chances are different for each individual. So many factors (extent of scarring, level of natural fertility, age, etc.) affect fertility that it is difficult to say without knowing a full medical history.
No matter what, keep trying. We didn't give up and now I have two gorgeous children and have been a surrogate mother three times!
Good luck!
Reply:my mom had something wrong with one of her ovaries, possibly a scar, and she ended up having two more kids... so it's not impossible.
What are the symptoms of a ruptured ovary?
what happens? how does it feel?
What are the symptoms of a ruptured ovary?
Ovarian torsion is the twisting of the ovary (similar to rupture) due to the influence of another condition or disease. This results in extreme lower abdominal pain.
Ovarian torsion occurs infrequently only in females. In can occur in women of all ages, but most women that experience this are younger. Approximately 70-75% of cases occur in women under 30 years old. About 20% of all reported cases are in pregnant women. It is the fifth most common gynaecological emergency which can include surgical intervention.
Ovarian torsion usually arises in only one ovary at a time. They can occur in either normal or enlarged ovaries and fallopian tubes, and occasionally they develop in both.
There are a variety of conditions that can cause torsion of the ovary ranging from changes in normal ovaries to congenital and developmental abnormalities or even a disease that affects the tube or ovary. Normal ovaries that experience spasms or changes in the blood vessels in the mesosalpinx can become twisted. For example, if the veins in the mesosalpinx become congested, the ovaries will undergo torsion.
Developmental abnormalities of the fallopian tube such as extremely longer-than-normal tubes or a missing mesosalpinx will cause ovarian torsion. Diseases such as ovarian cysts or fibromas, tumor of the ovary or tubes, and trauma to either the ovaries or the tubes will also cause ovarian torsion.
The characteristic symptom of ovarian torsion is the sudden onset of extreme lower abdominal pain that radiates to the back, side and thigh. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation can accompany the pain. The patient may also experience tenderness in the lower abdominal area, a mild fever and tachycardia.
The diagnosis of ovarian torsions usually occurs in an emergency room due to the suddenness of extreme pain. Emergency room doctors may consult with a gynaecologist. Since 20% of ovarian torsions occur in pregnant women, physicians will order a pregnancy test. Visualization with an ultrasound and CT scan will help pinpoint the ovarian structures and allow gynaecologists to diagnose. Diagnosis is often confirmed through laparoscopy.
Ovarian torsions need to be repaired. This is done through surgery, and for less severe cases laparoscopic surgery is used. Medications such as NSAIDs are given to control pain.
If ovarian torsions are diagnosed and treated early, then the prognosis is favorable. However, if diagnosis is delayed, the torsions can worsen and cut off arterial blood flow into and venous blood flow out of the ovary. This results in necrosis (death) of the ovarian tissue. Delayed diagnosis can also result in problems when trying to conceive due to infertility.
I would recommend discussing this in further details with your doctor/gynaecologist and if you experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms that you go straight to the ER at the hospital.
Good luck :)
Reply:One of the symptoms that can occur with rupture of an ovary is very intense pain that requires getting emergency help.
I have the link to a site that may help you find even more information. It's at: http://forums.obgyn.net/womens-health
I would recommend checking with your doctor as well to see what they say.
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What are the symptoms of a ruptured ovary?
Ovarian torsion is the twisting of the ovary (similar to rupture) due to the influence of another condition or disease. This results in extreme lower abdominal pain.
Ovarian torsion occurs infrequently only in females. In can occur in women of all ages, but most women that experience this are younger. Approximately 70-75% of cases occur in women under 30 years old. About 20% of all reported cases are in pregnant women. It is the fifth most common gynaecological emergency which can include surgical intervention.
Ovarian torsion usually arises in only one ovary at a time. They can occur in either normal or enlarged ovaries and fallopian tubes, and occasionally they develop in both.
There are a variety of conditions that can cause torsion of the ovary ranging from changes in normal ovaries to congenital and developmental abnormalities or even a disease that affects the tube or ovary. Normal ovaries that experience spasms or changes in the blood vessels in the mesosalpinx can become twisted. For example, if the veins in the mesosalpinx become congested, the ovaries will undergo torsion.
Developmental abnormalities of the fallopian tube such as extremely longer-than-normal tubes or a missing mesosalpinx will cause ovarian torsion. Diseases such as ovarian cysts or fibromas, tumor of the ovary or tubes, and trauma to either the ovaries or the tubes will also cause ovarian torsion.
The characteristic symptom of ovarian torsion is the sudden onset of extreme lower abdominal pain that radiates to the back, side and thigh. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation can accompany the pain. The patient may also experience tenderness in the lower abdominal area, a mild fever and tachycardia.
The diagnosis of ovarian torsions usually occurs in an emergency room due to the suddenness of extreme pain. Emergency room doctors may consult with a gynaecologist. Since 20% of ovarian torsions occur in pregnant women, physicians will order a pregnancy test. Visualization with an ultrasound and CT scan will help pinpoint the ovarian structures and allow gynaecologists to diagnose. Diagnosis is often confirmed through laparoscopy.
Ovarian torsions need to be repaired. This is done through surgery, and for less severe cases laparoscopic surgery is used. Medications such as NSAIDs are given to control pain.
If ovarian torsions are diagnosed and treated early, then the prognosis is favorable. However, if diagnosis is delayed, the torsions can worsen and cut off arterial blood flow into and venous blood flow out of the ovary. This results in necrosis (death) of the ovarian tissue. Delayed diagnosis can also result in problems when trying to conceive due to infertility.
I would recommend discussing this in further details with your doctor/gynaecologist and if you experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms that you go straight to the ER at the hospital.
Good luck :)
Reply:One of the symptoms that can occur with rupture of an ovary is very intense pain that requires getting emergency help.
I have the link to a site that may help you find even more information. It's at: http://forums.obgyn.net/womens-health
I would recommend checking with your doctor as well to see what they say.
Golf Shoes
How do you treat Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and/or find a specialist?
I have been seeing a doctor (or several doctors) for a period of 8 years. I have changed them frequently and have finally gotten to a point where I can't stand. Amongst the normal treatment with BC and some other medications, nothing seems to be happening.
It has only been in the last 2 years that weight gain and skin problems have gotten really bad. Nothing seems to be working. Are there any resources and/or registry where I can find a specialized doctor to assist? While my Primary Care Provider is a good doctor, I am in search of more aggressive treatment and or someone who might understand the problem from a different medical perspective.
I also want to know where I can find the criteria for allowing a patient with PCOS to use metformin? Do they have to have diabetes to do so? Any info you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
How do you treat Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and/or find a specialist?
I agree, Soulcysters is GREAT.
Generally speaking, many physicians prescribe metformin to their PCOS patients without doing any tests.
However, the primary indication for using metformin in PCOS is insulin resistance.
Your doctor should test you for insulin resistance and put you on metformin if you have it.
Insulin resistance can be diagnosed in a few ways. The easiest is the fasting insulin value. If the value is above the normal limit, but blood glucose is normal or low, you have insulin resistance. If your fasting blood sugar is high, you may have diabetes. Either way, metformin would help. A glucose tolerance test may also provide clues. During this test, you fast the night before and then chug this awful glucose-rich drink. They then measure your blood glucose levels over a few hours.
I'm on metformin. I hated it at first because of the AWFUL diarrhea it gave me, but I've adjusted now, I'm ovulating again, and I could not be happier (well, unless I was pregnant!).
Metformin, rather than treating the symptoms like birth control does, gets at the root and helps your body level out its own hormones rather than adding hormones to mask the ones you're already making. From what I understand, the symptoms of PCOS are caused by the fact that high levels of insulin cause the ovaries to make testosterone instead of estrogen, which leads to all kinds of problems including acne and infertility.
One other thing I'd suggest is low-carbing. Carbs cause fluctuations in blood sugar which can lead to insulin fluctuations. You may find a lot of improvements in your symptoms on a low-carb diet.
Good luck on your journey, and do stop by SoulCysters. The ladies there are full of beautiful advice!
Reply:Please check out www.soulcysters.com There is a weath of information there and a message board full of wonderful and informed women who can help you with any questions you may have. It's a great site.
Reply:Another great site is the PCOS message boards at www.ivillage.com The best type of doctor to see is a reproductive endocrinologist. He/she can prescribe metformin. There is no specific guidelines for this (you dont have to have diabetes). Generally a dose of 1500-2500mg is your goal. There are some bad GI side effects, so usually you increase slowly. PCOS is usually diagnosed with blood tests combined with your symptoms. It is common for people to test OK with insulin resistance and the other blood tests but still respond positively to metformin. I highly recommend it. Check out the message boards to have more questions answered about PCOS.
It has only been in the last 2 years that weight gain and skin problems have gotten really bad. Nothing seems to be working. Are there any resources and/or registry where I can find a specialized doctor to assist? While my Primary Care Provider is a good doctor, I am in search of more aggressive treatment and or someone who might understand the problem from a different medical perspective.
I also want to know where I can find the criteria for allowing a patient with PCOS to use metformin? Do they have to have diabetes to do so? Any info you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
How do you treat Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and/or find a specialist?
I agree, Soulcysters is GREAT.
Generally speaking, many physicians prescribe metformin to their PCOS patients without doing any tests.
However, the primary indication for using metformin in PCOS is insulin resistance.
Your doctor should test you for insulin resistance and put you on metformin if you have it.
Insulin resistance can be diagnosed in a few ways. The easiest is the fasting insulin value. If the value is above the normal limit, but blood glucose is normal or low, you have insulin resistance. If your fasting blood sugar is high, you may have diabetes. Either way, metformin would help. A glucose tolerance test may also provide clues. During this test, you fast the night before and then chug this awful glucose-rich drink. They then measure your blood glucose levels over a few hours.
I'm on metformin. I hated it at first because of the AWFUL diarrhea it gave me, but I've adjusted now, I'm ovulating again, and I could not be happier (well, unless I was pregnant!).
Metformin, rather than treating the symptoms like birth control does, gets at the root and helps your body level out its own hormones rather than adding hormones to mask the ones you're already making. From what I understand, the symptoms of PCOS are caused by the fact that high levels of insulin cause the ovaries to make testosterone instead of estrogen, which leads to all kinds of problems including acne and infertility.
One other thing I'd suggest is low-carbing. Carbs cause fluctuations in blood sugar which can lead to insulin fluctuations. You may find a lot of improvements in your symptoms on a low-carb diet.
Good luck on your journey, and do stop by SoulCysters. The ladies there are full of beautiful advice!
Reply:Please check out www.soulcysters.com There is a weath of information there and a message board full of wonderful and informed women who can help you with any questions you may have. It's a great site.
Reply:Another great site is the PCOS message boards at www.ivillage.com The best type of doctor to see is a reproductive endocrinologist. He/she can prescribe metformin. There is no specific guidelines for this (you dont have to have diabetes). Generally a dose of 1500-2500mg is your goal. There are some bad GI side effects, so usually you increase slowly. PCOS is usually diagnosed with blood tests combined with your symptoms. It is common for people to test OK with insulin resistance and the other blood tests but still respond positively to metformin. I highly recommend it. Check out the message boards to have more questions answered about PCOS.
How common is it for polycystic ovary disease to turn into cervical cancer?
There is no relationship between the two. The ovaries are separate from the uterus and the cervix is the neck of the uterus.
How common is it for polycystic ovary disease to turn into cervical cancer?
PCOS and cervical cancer are COMPLETELY SEPARATE issues. Not at all related in any way, whatsoever.
PCOS is related to hormonal imbalances and weight. Cervical cancer is, 99% of the time, related to sexually transmitted viral infections.
BTW, PRECANCER is NOT cancer. If you don't treat it, it could turn into cancer, but it is NOT cancer.
Reply:Hi Michelle,
I have a daughter who was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome several years ago. You need to make sure you are well informed - ask questions of your specialist %26amp; research some reputable internet sites. It's a fact that those with this syndrome are at increased risk of several cancers, obesity %26amp; diabetes. It is important that you become informed and take charge of your own health. There is a lot of research that indicates that diet can play a huge role in staying healthy and also discuss the birth control pill with your doctor. My daughter was told that it will 'help' by stopping ovulation and therefore keeping her ovaries from developing more cysts ( remember get medical advice),
good luck, cheers, Kay :) ....... PS a good start for research is the Mayo Clinic Web Site
How common is it for polycystic ovary disease to turn into cervical cancer?
PCOS and cervical cancer are COMPLETELY SEPARATE issues. Not at all related in any way, whatsoever.
PCOS is related to hormonal imbalances and weight. Cervical cancer is, 99% of the time, related to sexually transmitted viral infections.
BTW, PRECANCER is NOT cancer. If you don't treat it, it could turn into cancer, but it is NOT cancer.
Reply:Hi Michelle,
I have a daughter who was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome several years ago. You need to make sure you are well informed - ask questions of your specialist %26amp; research some reputable internet sites. It's a fact that those with this syndrome are at increased risk of several cancers, obesity %26amp; diabetes. It is important that you become informed and take charge of your own health. There is a lot of research that indicates that diet can play a huge role in staying healthy and also discuss the birth control pill with your doctor. My daughter was told that it will 'help' by stopping ovulation and therefore keeping her ovaries from developing more cysts ( remember get medical advice),
good luck, cheers, Kay :) ....... PS a good start for research is the Mayo Clinic Web Site
What happens to the ovule after fertilization happens? What happens to ovary after fertilization occurs?
I just need a couple of words no more no less!!!!
What happens to the ovule after fertilization happens? What happens to ovary after fertilization occurs?
Poonam W is correct.
Check out this site. Go to the bottom of the page and click on Flower Plants.
Reply:The two combine to effect change and life continues...
Reply:The ovule becomes seed after fertilization
The ovary becomes fruit after fertilization.
What happens to the ovule after fertilization happens? What happens to ovary after fertilization occurs?
Poonam W is correct.
Check out this site. Go to the bottom of the page and click on Flower Plants.
Reply:The two combine to effect change and life continues...
Reply:The ovule becomes seed after fertilization
The ovary becomes fruit after fertilization.
Will i need fertility treatment to conceive if i only have one ovary?
A couple of years ago i had my left ovary removed followed by chemo but doctors told me i should still be able to conceive but not for certain. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how hard or easy it will be to concieve or will i need fertiltiy treatment. Has anyone gone through the same experience or know anyone who has. I would appreicate your answers so much. thanks!
Will i need fertility treatment to conceive if i only have one ovary?
As long as your ovary that you have is producing eggs and you are ovulating I wouldn't think you would need fertility treatment. Maybe you will only ovulate every other month - I would go to your doctor and have them help you figure out when you ovulate so that you know when the best times to have sex are. Good luck to you!
Reply:if your remaining ovary still produces eggs and your ovulating then I dont see why you wont be able to have a family. I would suggest that you see your gp for advice though as they will be able to give you acurate answers based on your personal circumstances. good luck
Reply:The only real way can tell is by testing how you ovulate with your remaining ovary.
Are you periods normal if so I would say that you're fine? Usually if there's an ovulating problem it shows through your periods.
You should have your ovary tested and check that there's no problems with it so talking to your GP would be best and they can start to get things in motion.
Reply:My grandma lost an ovary sometime in the 1930s. My mom was born in 1945. and as far as I know, there were no fertility treatments back then.
Reply:Your docters knows best and if she suspects the chances are you can concieve thats what will happen.If you still feel worried about it go back and have another chat.Trying to hard to become pregnant can stop you so try and relax forget what has happend and enjoy your parter have a good fullfilling sex life and if you get pregnant it was meant to be.
If you still have a working tube and ovary you have nothing atall to worry about.
Lots of babydust to you
Reply:A friend of mine had to have an ovary rmoved after she had a chocolate cyst in it (which means it was filled with old blood). The other one wasn't working brilliantly either. She tried for many years to get pregnant and eventually did and now has a lovely little boy. So, it is possible but it might take a good while.
Reply:As long as that ovary is functional, you should not need fertility treatments. It wouldn't hurt however to have a vfertility work-up. You should also get to know your body by tracking you BBT and cervical mucus. All you need is one good egg and properly timed intercourse.
Best of luck!
shoes stock
Will i need fertility treatment to conceive if i only have one ovary?
As long as your ovary that you have is producing eggs and you are ovulating I wouldn't think you would need fertility treatment. Maybe you will only ovulate every other month - I would go to your doctor and have them help you figure out when you ovulate so that you know when the best times to have sex are. Good luck to you!
Reply:if your remaining ovary still produces eggs and your ovulating then I dont see why you wont be able to have a family. I would suggest that you see your gp for advice though as they will be able to give you acurate answers based on your personal circumstances. good luck
Reply:The only real way can tell is by testing how you ovulate with your remaining ovary.
Are you periods normal if so I would say that you're fine? Usually if there's an ovulating problem it shows through your periods.
You should have your ovary tested and check that there's no problems with it so talking to your GP would be best and they can start to get things in motion.
Reply:My grandma lost an ovary sometime in the 1930s. My mom was born in 1945. and as far as I know, there were no fertility treatments back then.
Reply:Your docters knows best and if she suspects the chances are you can concieve thats what will happen.If you still feel worried about it go back and have another chat.Trying to hard to become pregnant can stop you so try and relax forget what has happend and enjoy your parter have a good fullfilling sex life and if you get pregnant it was meant to be.
If you still have a working tube and ovary you have nothing atall to worry about.
Lots of babydust to you
Reply:A friend of mine had to have an ovary rmoved after she had a chocolate cyst in it (which means it was filled with old blood). The other one wasn't working brilliantly either. She tried for many years to get pregnant and eventually did and now has a lovely little boy. So, it is possible but it might take a good while.
Reply:As long as that ovary is functional, you should not need fertility treatments. It wouldn't hurt however to have a vfertility work-up. You should also get to know your body by tracking you BBT and cervical mucus. All you need is one good egg and properly timed intercourse.
Best of luck!
shoes stock
People have been telling me that my ovary hurtun could mean pregnancy?
people are saying the spotting could be implantation spotting, yesterday when me and my boyfriend had sex it hurt so bad i cried for nearly 10 minutes..its never did that!
People have been telling me that my ovary hurtun could mean pregnancy?
It sounds more like an ovarian cyst. Any time it hurts that bad, you should see a doctor.
Pain in the ovaries isn't a sign of pregnancy.
Reply:You were most likely ovulating not implanting.
Reply:It sounds to me that it's ovarian cycsts. The pain is what use to kill me during sex
People have been telling me that my ovary hurtun could mean pregnancy?
It sounds more like an ovarian cyst. Any time it hurts that bad, you should see a doctor.
Pain in the ovaries isn't a sign of pregnancy.
Reply:You were most likely ovulating not implanting.
Reply:It sounds to me that it's ovarian cycsts. The pain is what use to kill me during sex
Can polycystic ovary syndrome cause hair loss?
I am thinking I have polycystic ovary syndrome, I have alot of the symptoms except I didn't read anything on hair loss with it, I have just seen that hair growth on chest, back, and face, but nothing on hair loss!
Can polycystic ovary syndrome cause hair loss?
i was recently diagnosed with this. yes it can cause hair loss. u can have hair grow on ur chest, neck, and face. u have irregular periods. i even have a pregnancy like mask on my face. when i start my period it goes away and then around ovualtion time u can start to see it again. all of this is due to ur ovaries producing to much testosterone and ur pancreas producing to much insulin. my doctor put me on metformin. my doctor did a simple blood test on me to see if i had it. i also had an ultrasound and it showed cyst all in my ovaries. go see ur family doctor or ur gyn doctor. also visit webmd.com. good luck!!!!!!!!
Reply:I am a librarian, not a medical specialist, but my research shows that Polycystic ovary syndrome is said to be relatively common for women of reproductive age and some symptoms include menstrual irregularity, lower fertility and extra hair growth. If you are being treated for PCOS, The article listed below has found an uncommon reaction to a drug (metformin) may cause hair loss. It is always good to go to your doctor to get any symptoms checked. Hair loss in women can be caused by many things so seeking medical advice would be useful for you. This information comes from a heath database accessed through many local libraries in Australia. Ask at your library for their online health databases
Reply:As some who has had PCOS for 15+ years, I can say I have never heard of hairloss as a symptom. Excessive hair, especially on the face can be an issue. Lack of period, weight gain specifically around the middle. Even once you get your hormones regulated, the hair doesn't go away. I would be happy to answer any questions if I can. Feel free to email me.
Reply:Polycystic ovarian syndrome can result in hair loss. There are a lot of symptoms to polycystic ovarian syndrome and not everybody experiences the same things. Speak to your gyno, and chase it up.
Reply:i have PCOS. One of my symptoms is hair loss on the head. I almost had a bald spot before i was diagnosed. I also read on yahoo health that some symptoms included hair loss.
Reply:i have it.. most women do but ive never heard anything on hair loss because the symptom of hair growth is normal.
Reply:idk, maybe
Can polycystic ovary syndrome cause hair loss?
i was recently diagnosed with this. yes it can cause hair loss. u can have hair grow on ur chest, neck, and face. u have irregular periods. i even have a pregnancy like mask on my face. when i start my period it goes away and then around ovualtion time u can start to see it again. all of this is due to ur ovaries producing to much testosterone and ur pancreas producing to much insulin. my doctor put me on metformin. my doctor did a simple blood test on me to see if i had it. i also had an ultrasound and it showed cyst all in my ovaries. go see ur family doctor or ur gyn doctor. also visit webmd.com. good luck!!!!!!!!
Reply:I am a librarian, not a medical specialist, but my research shows that Polycystic ovary syndrome is said to be relatively common for women of reproductive age and some symptoms include menstrual irregularity, lower fertility and extra hair growth. If you are being treated for PCOS, The article listed below has found an uncommon reaction to a drug (metformin) may cause hair loss. It is always good to go to your doctor to get any symptoms checked. Hair loss in women can be caused by many things so seeking medical advice would be useful for you. This information comes from a heath database accessed through many local libraries in Australia. Ask at your library for their online health databases
Reply:As some who has had PCOS for 15+ years, I can say I have never heard of hairloss as a symptom. Excessive hair, especially on the face can be an issue. Lack of period, weight gain specifically around the middle. Even once you get your hormones regulated, the hair doesn't go away. I would be happy to answer any questions if I can. Feel free to email me.
Reply:Polycystic ovarian syndrome can result in hair loss. There are a lot of symptoms to polycystic ovarian syndrome and not everybody experiences the same things. Speak to your gyno, and chase it up.
Reply:i have PCOS. One of my symptoms is hair loss on the head. I almost had a bald spot before i was diagnosed. I also read on yahoo health that some symptoms included hair loss.
Reply:i have it.. most women do but ive never heard anything on hair loss because the symptom of hair growth is normal.
Reply:idk, maybe
Why does the area around my right ovary feel funny?
everytime i sit down or get up from sitting my right ovary feels funny. it doesnt hurt and i havent had sex for a while now so i dont think its from that. i got over my period a couple days ago and i got some cramps from that side. but after it was over it didnt bug me and then yesterday it started to.
Why does the area around my right ovary feel funny?
It does in fact sound like you could have an ovarian cyst. I have had similar symptoms to the one's you're describing although mine was quite painful and crampy around my ovary area. I also had pain with urinating.
I would recommend you go see your doctor and get him/her to send you for an ultrasound, it's the only way to know for sure.
Good luck :)
Reply:omg! happened to my BFF, it felt weird not pain though. she went to her mom's gyno and turns out it was a cyst. it could aso be an infection!
Reply:u might have a cyst on ur ovaries see a doctor
Why does the area around my right ovary feel funny?
It does in fact sound like you could have an ovarian cyst. I have had similar symptoms to the one's you're describing although mine was quite painful and crampy around my ovary area. I also had pain with urinating.
I would recommend you go see your doctor and get him/her to send you for an ultrasound, it's the only way to know for sure.
Good luck :)
Reply:omg! happened to my BFF, it felt weird not pain though. she went to her mom's gyno and turns out it was a cyst. it could aso be an infection!
Reply:u might have a cyst on ur ovaries see a doctor
Can I be pregnant after a contorted ovary and off the pill?
At 13 I had a contorted ovary and it had to be removed and I went on birthcontrol Yaz for about last 6months, But in december I stopped taking it and had a period december 13th then had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on the 23rd the 27th and new years eve. I know its too soon for even a preg test but I want to know what are the odds of being pregnant and if its possible to get pregnant so quick after being on the pill thank you
Can I be pregnant after a contorted ovary and off the pill?
Assuming your other ovary is intact, it is possible.
Can I be pregnant after a contorted ovary and off the pill?
Assuming your other ovary is intact, it is possible.
Feeling a big lump where I believe my ovary would be?
Not to be gross, but could this just be stool in my intestines? Or do you think it is a larger issue?
Feeling a big lump where I believe my ovary would be?
Well, if you have not had a BM for a few days it could definately be constipation. Try a stool softener and lots of water and see if the problem resolves. If not, call you gyn. and get an exam.
Reply:Larger issue -could be a fibroid. They normally attack the ovaries and uterus. Preventing normal menstruals, sex and bathroom trips. Get it checked out just to be on the safe side.
Reply:Only if you have been constipated for a long time. It could be fibroids. I'd suggest you see a physician to check it out.
Feeling a big lump where I believe my ovary would be?
Well, if you have not had a BM for a few days it could definately be constipation. Try a stool softener and lots of water and see if the problem resolves. If not, call you gyn. and get an exam.
Reply:Larger issue -could be a fibroid. They normally attack the ovaries and uterus. Preventing normal menstruals, sex and bathroom trips. Get it checked out just to be on the safe side.
Reply:Only if you have been constipated for a long time. It could be fibroids. I'd suggest you see a physician to check it out.
What is the success rate on women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome having children?
and how much would it generally cost to get a fertility check up (for a woman)..
What is the success rate on women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome having children?
After taking Clomid for up to six cycles, it is reported that you have a 30% chance of becoming pregnant.
Reply:My mom has it and there are 3 of us without any treatments actually with my sister she got pregnant on BC and I also have it and have been pregnant without any treatments! So I wouldnt worry too much and usually they wont do a fertility check up until you have been trying for a year or more I have no idea how much it costs though sorry! Good Luck and Baby Dust**
Reply:I have PCOS and from being on here and reading up on somethings, PCOS is not as bad as you think!
I was very upset when I first found I had it but my doctor said I should be able to conceive in the next few months with merformin and clomid!!
Good Luck!
Reply:I have PCOs and my ob/gyn said I would most likely not get pregnant because it is such a severe case, well he was wrong, I am due to have baby number 4 in just a few weeks. I wish you the very best of luck!!
Reply:See an endocrinologist. Call around and ask their rates. The initial checkup requires bloodwork which may be an additional fee.
I was diagnosed with PCOS and conceived within weeks after starting my medication (Metformin).
What is the success rate on women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome having children?
After taking Clomid for up to six cycles, it is reported that you have a 30% chance of becoming pregnant.
Reply:My mom has it and there are 3 of us without any treatments actually with my sister she got pregnant on BC and I also have it and have been pregnant without any treatments! So I wouldnt worry too much and usually they wont do a fertility check up until you have been trying for a year or more I have no idea how much it costs though sorry! Good Luck and Baby Dust**
Reply:I have PCOS and from being on here and reading up on somethings, PCOS is not as bad as you think!
I was very upset when I first found I had it but my doctor said I should be able to conceive in the next few months with merformin and clomid!!
Good Luck!
Reply:I have PCOs and my ob/gyn said I would most likely not get pregnant because it is such a severe case, well he was wrong, I am due to have baby number 4 in just a few weeks. I wish you the very best of luck!!
Reply:See an endocrinologist. Call around and ask their rates. The initial checkup requires bloodwork which may be an additional fee.
I was diagnosed with PCOS and conceived within weeks after starting my medication (Metformin).
Please answer-Is it possible to have ovulation on left ovary but severe implantation cramp on right?
I am having severe cramps on my right side 7 dpo..
though i had my follies on the left ovary..
Is it possible to have ovulation on left but implantation on right?
please reply at the earliest..
I am very anxious..
Please answer-Is it possible to have ovulation on left ovary but severe implantation cramp on right?
I wonder y ppl give strange answers when they know nothing about pregnancy .....anyways implantation cramps can occur on any side and they can be severe .I had v severe cramps .Pregnancy tests gets positive 1 week after the implantation .good luck
Reply:Implantation cramps would not be severe. It is very improbable that the cramps you are having is from that. Sorry. Could be period cramps....
Reply:I noticed you asked this earlier this morning too,
I think no one is answering because no one is really positive enough about it to give you an answer.
Have you tried google searching it?
though i had my follies on the left ovary..
Is it possible to have ovulation on left but implantation on right?
please reply at the earliest..
I am very anxious..
Please answer-Is it possible to have ovulation on left ovary but severe implantation cramp on right?
I wonder y ppl give strange answers when they know nothing about pregnancy .....anyways implantation cramps can occur on any side and they can be severe .I had v severe cramps .Pregnancy tests gets positive 1 week after the implantation .good luck
Reply:Implantation cramps would not be severe. It is very improbable that the cramps you are having is from that. Sorry. Could be period cramps....
Reply:I noticed you asked this earlier this morning too,
I think no one is answering because no one is really positive enough about it to give you an answer.
Have you tried google searching it?
Can any females give me good advice on how to get pregnant when having polosystic ovary disease?
I am a diabetic %26amp; also have polosystic disease on my ovaries %26amp; me %26amp; my husband want to have our 3 child. I am on fertility drugs %26amp; nothing yet any good ideas
Can any females give me good advice on how to get pregnant when having polosystic ovary disease?
Metformin and clomid are the meds used to treat PCOS. If you can't get pregnant on them usually sorry to say you won't be able to get pregnant. Since you have had 2 children already the chances a third time is great. It just will take time. I have PCOS and we have tried for 4 years for our first child. We just started meds. From experiences with friends, it usually takes no more than a year on metformin to get pregnant.
Reply:cysts didnt interfere at all with my pregnancies. Nothing you can do will get rid of the cysts
Reply:consult your OB-Gyne for medical advice
Reply:This is my story. I have pcos too. I am in my 30s. I got in shape, ate right, lost weight (a good bit) and got really healthy. My periods became normal again and I got pregnant 2 weeks after coming off the pill! (I wasn't even trying). But I'm happy to report that I have a beautiful baby boy now. Getting healthy the good old fashioned way is your best option. Again, that's my opinion. Good luck!
safety boots
Can any females give me good advice on how to get pregnant when having polosystic ovary disease?
Metformin and clomid are the meds used to treat PCOS. If you can't get pregnant on them usually sorry to say you won't be able to get pregnant. Since you have had 2 children already the chances a third time is great. It just will take time. I have PCOS and we have tried for 4 years for our first child. We just started meds. From experiences with friends, it usually takes no more than a year on metformin to get pregnant.
Reply:cysts didnt interfere at all with my pregnancies. Nothing you can do will get rid of the cysts
Reply:consult your OB-Gyne for medical advice
Reply:This is my story. I have pcos too. I am in my 30s. I got in shape, ate right, lost weight (a good bit) and got really healthy. My periods became normal again and I got pregnant 2 weeks after coming off the pill! (I wasn't even trying). But I'm happy to report that I have a beautiful baby boy now. Getting healthy the good old fashioned way is your best option. Again, that's my opinion. Good luck!
safety boots
Pain in left ovary when I have an orgasm?
For the past month or so, I've been having a shooting/cramping pain in my lower left pelvic area (maybe an ovary, maybe my uterus, I'm not sure) every time I have an orgasm. It usually lingers a little while after. I do plan on seeing a doctor, but before I go I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
Pain in left ovary when I have an orgasm?
I'm currently experiencing pain like the pain you are describing and exactly the same spot, it's on the left side. I had an ovarian cyst on my left side that caused pain with intercourse 5 months ago but then the cyst ruptured but the pain continued.
My gyno and doctor now thinks it might be endometriosis because of other symptoms I've had too.
You might have a cyst, however it could be something else. I would recommend you follow through by seeing your doctor to see what he/she says.
Good luck :)
PS: I forgot to also add that I am also using birth control pill and although birth control can help "prevent" cysts, it doesn't guarantee that you won't get cysts as far as I'm aware.
Reply:no i have not experienced,
maybe you have like an small ulcer, cos when you orgasm, i heard that your womb contracts as well so maybe you can feel you womb squeezing in to the lump, but maybe you should go doctors
Reply:yes i do get it some times, when i have sex, and when i am ovulating, i have had four children, and notice it, the oldder i have become, am 39. Just keep an eye out it's not to sharp or bleeding.Other wise i have heard alot of women have this at some time in their life.It"s the contracting of the ovary to release eggs, so it has to work harder as we grow old.
Reply:Time to see a doctor. Unless one answers you here, it's all guess work.
Reply:Actually you DO ovulate.
There is no birth control known to stop ovulation all the time.
Most actually work with a combination of things like mucous, stopping a fertilized egg implanting etc.
Even the ones that claim to stop ovulation don't state 100% of the time.
I doubt the pain is in your ovary. How do you even know where your ovary is? It is probably a muscle contracting or it could even be a cyst.
Pain in left ovary when I have an orgasm?
I'm currently experiencing pain like the pain you are describing and exactly the same spot, it's on the left side. I had an ovarian cyst on my left side that caused pain with intercourse 5 months ago but then the cyst ruptured but the pain continued.
My gyno and doctor now thinks it might be endometriosis because of other symptoms I've had too.
You might have a cyst, however it could be something else. I would recommend you follow through by seeing your doctor to see what he/she says.
Good luck :)
PS: I forgot to also add that I am also using birth control pill and although birth control can help "prevent" cysts, it doesn't guarantee that you won't get cysts as far as I'm aware.
Reply:no i have not experienced,
maybe you have like an small ulcer, cos when you orgasm, i heard that your womb contracts as well so maybe you can feel you womb squeezing in to the lump, but maybe you should go doctors
Reply:yes i do get it some times, when i have sex, and when i am ovulating, i have had four children, and notice it, the oldder i have become, am 39. Just keep an eye out it's not to sharp or bleeding.Other wise i have heard alot of women have this at some time in their life.It"s the contracting of the ovary to release eggs, so it has to work harder as we grow old.
Reply:Time to see a doctor. Unless one answers you here, it's all guess work.
Reply:Actually you DO ovulate.
There is no birth control known to stop ovulation all the time.
Most actually work with a combination of things like mucous, stopping a fertilized egg implanting etc.
Even the ones that claim to stop ovulation don't state 100% of the time.
I doubt the pain is in your ovary. How do you even know where your ovary is? It is probably a muscle contracting or it could even be a cyst.
I have a cyst on my left ovary and it is causing me a lot of pain is this normal?
I have an appointment on thursday do you think I should
contact my doctor before then. I am taking vicadoin and its not even helping.
I have a cyst on my left ovary and it is causing me a lot of pain is this normal?
Yes, cysts can really hurt. But if it hurts so much the vicodin isn't working, I would call the office and ask. Sometimes you can have a cyst that is on a sort of stem, and if the stem twists, the pain can be extreme. If you get a sudden increase in pain beyond what you've got now, I'd call the after-hours doc.
Reply:Oh yes, I've had cysts for years (still have them) and they can be simply excruciating at times. I've been prescribed meds like vicodin and codine for cysts and I've never found them to work well. I usually just take a hot bath or put a heating pad on my stomach and hope it works. Tell your doc all about your pain, b/c even though most of the time cysts aren't harmful (they're just a pain...literally!) some cysts can be deadly if not removed or drained. Good luck.
Reply:Yes cyst do hurt i had 1 in my foot. You need to get it removed or you can get cancer. Or get it tested ask your doctor if its cancerious.My cyst type was austimeldiuos And it was cancerious but my docter removed it in time. I got mine removed in Pennsylvania my doctor was great im 11 but i know alot just contact your doctor and ask for a test.
Reply:Let me tell you about cyst thedy can be very painful and they have to be lanced .I had one on the enter part of my leg i had it lanced they cut it and let all the pus run out of it and it felt much better. And there a chance that it might come back.Good luck
Reply:Yep it's Normal! Cysts on overies are VERY VERY PAINFUL when it gets painful the cyst is popping and the vicadoin is working if the cyst are popping. I had a doctor that was so nasty he said You get cysts cause your over weight! But another thing people who get cysts can also be infertile!
Reply:I have the same problem too. My doctor told me its normal if you have pain when you are ovulating. Make sure you let the doctor know if its hurting too much...
contact my doctor before then. I am taking vicadoin and its not even helping.
I have a cyst on my left ovary and it is causing me a lot of pain is this normal?
Yes, cysts can really hurt. But if it hurts so much the vicodin isn't working, I would call the office and ask. Sometimes you can have a cyst that is on a sort of stem, and if the stem twists, the pain can be extreme. If you get a sudden increase in pain beyond what you've got now, I'd call the after-hours doc.
Reply:Oh yes, I've had cysts for years (still have them) and they can be simply excruciating at times. I've been prescribed meds like vicodin and codine for cysts and I've never found them to work well. I usually just take a hot bath or put a heating pad on my stomach and hope it works. Tell your doc all about your pain, b/c even though most of the time cysts aren't harmful (they're just a pain...literally!) some cysts can be deadly if not removed or drained. Good luck.
Reply:Yes cyst do hurt i had 1 in my foot. You need to get it removed or you can get cancer. Or get it tested ask your doctor if its cancerious.My cyst type was austimeldiuos And it was cancerious but my docter removed it in time. I got mine removed in Pennsylvania my doctor was great im 11 but i know alot just contact your doctor and ask for a test.
Reply:Let me tell you about cyst thedy can be very painful and they have to be lanced .I had one on the enter part of my leg i had it lanced they cut it and let all the pus run out of it and it felt much better. And there a chance that it might come back.Good luck
Reply:Yep it's Normal! Cysts on overies are VERY VERY PAINFUL when it gets painful the cyst is popping and the vicadoin is working if the cyst are popping. I had a doctor that was so nasty he said You get cysts cause your over weight! But another thing people who get cysts can also be infertile!
Reply:I have the same problem too. My doctor told me its normal if you have pain when you are ovulating. Make sure you let the doctor know if its hurting too much...
Female health question: Are you missing an ovary due to surgery or other reasons?
How is that going to affect us when menopause sets in?
Female health question: Are you missing an ovary due to surgery or other reasons?
I had an ovary %26amp; fallopian tube removed 15 yrs ago, when i was 27yrs old, due to a cyst that twisted the ovary %26amp; tube %26amp; cut off the blood supply to my womb. I can't see that it is going to affect us any more, or less, than someone who still has both, and my Drs told me it wouldn't change anything for me at all. Alot of people think because you have one removed you only have half the chance of getting pregnant, only have periods every other month etc. This is all nonsense, the remaining ovary just takes over, so to speak. We are born with far more eggs in each ovary than we will ever need, so if you only have one you have enough eggs in it for it to do the job of two.
How do you think it is going to affect you? What are your worries?
Reply:Haven't found it yet, since it went missing.
Reply:Yup! Endometriosis!...(my sister)
"People with one ovary may undergo menopause earlier than those with two ovaries"
Reply:No I am not missing an ovary.
Female health question: Are you missing an ovary due to surgery or other reasons?
I had an ovary %26amp; fallopian tube removed 15 yrs ago, when i was 27yrs old, due to a cyst that twisted the ovary %26amp; tube %26amp; cut off the blood supply to my womb. I can't see that it is going to affect us any more, or less, than someone who still has both, and my Drs told me it wouldn't change anything for me at all. Alot of people think because you have one removed you only have half the chance of getting pregnant, only have periods every other month etc. This is all nonsense, the remaining ovary just takes over, so to speak. We are born with far more eggs in each ovary than we will ever need, so if you only have one you have enough eggs in it for it to do the job of two.
How do you think it is going to affect you? What are your worries?
Reply:Haven't found it yet, since it went missing.
Reply:Yup! Endometriosis!...(my sister)
"People with one ovary may undergo menopause earlier than those with two ovaries"
Reply:No I am not missing an ovary.
Does anyone here know how do they drag eggs out of the ovary during an IVF operation?
does dragging the eggs need narcotics? did anyone here undergo this operation? please tell me guys about ur experience as im about to try this operation soon?
Does anyone here know how do they drag eggs out of the ovary during an IVF operation?
I did it twice after you produce enough eggs they take them out with a needle and you will be under anesthesia, maybe you'll experience some cramps alter on in the same day. Then the transfer of the eggs will be after 4 days and you'll go through the 2 ww and then test...I'll start mu IVF cycle as well if I didn't conceive this month...Best of luck
Reply:After they stimulate your ovaries to produce eggs and confirm the presence of eggs with an ultrasound, they insert a needle and guide it with the ultrasound to retrieve the eggs. From what I understand, it is a pretty painful procedure, but they pretty much put you under--they didn't always used to, for some reason.
I found a link that might give you more detailed information about what to expect:
Reply:Egg pickup is done as a day surgery procedure under general anaesthetic. Follicles are sucked from the ovaries using a large needle inserted in the vaginal wall. There should be only minimal bleeding as a result of this procedure, but the bloating and tenderness will continue for a few days at least.
I've supported my sister thru two pick ups, and she was tender afterwards and was given pain killers. A day or so and she was fine.
Good luck with your IVF!
Reply:This is usually performed in the morning or early afternoon, approximately 36 hours after the hCG injection. Some clinics allow the male partner to attend the egg collection procedure if their wives have the operation under sedation. A monitor connected to the microscope will allow you to view the eggs when collected.
Methods of egg collection
Several methods can be employed to collect the eggs, these include:
Vaginal ultrasound guided egg collection
This is the most common technique; it is a minor and safe surgical procedure usually performed under sedation or a general anesthetic. Sedation is a safe and acceptable method of providing pain relief for egg collection.
A vaginal ultrasound probe with a fine hollow needle attached to it, is inserted into the vagina. Under ultrasound guidance, the needle is then advanced from the vaginal wall into the ovary to suck out the fluid from the follicle which contains the egg. Each egg is removed in turn through the needle by a suction device. Follicle flushing is not associated with improvement in pregnancy rates or the number of eggs collected, but does increase the duration of the procedure and associated pains. The whole procedure takes about 20-30 minutes.
You may experience some mild discomfort following the procedure, but this will be relieved with painkillers. Antibiotic is usually given to prevent infection.
Vaginal ultrsound egg collection.
Abdominal ultrasound guided egg collection
Occasionally, egg collection is performed by passing a needle through the abdominal wall into the ovaries under ultrasound guidance. This is usually performed if the ovaries are abnormally placed.
Originally, eggs were always collected laparoscopically. This method of egg collection is hardly ever used nowadays, as it requires a general anesthetic, in addition to the risks of laparoscopy.
The average number of eggs collected is about 12 depending upon the number of follicles present. Not every follicle contains an egg. Occasionally, no eggs are collected, so-called “empty follicle syndrome”. The reported incidence is about 1%. Sometimes, giving another dose of hCG and scheduling another egg collection 24 hours later could salvage the cycle. The cause of empty follicle syndrome is unknown, but it is possible that it is a drug related rather than a clinical problem.
Does anyone here know how do they drag eggs out of the ovary during an IVF operation?
I did it twice after you produce enough eggs they take them out with a needle and you will be under anesthesia, maybe you'll experience some cramps alter on in the same day. Then the transfer of the eggs will be after 4 days and you'll go through the 2 ww and then test...I'll start mu IVF cycle as well if I didn't conceive this month...Best of luck
Reply:After they stimulate your ovaries to produce eggs and confirm the presence of eggs with an ultrasound, they insert a needle and guide it with the ultrasound to retrieve the eggs. From what I understand, it is a pretty painful procedure, but they pretty much put you under--they didn't always used to, for some reason.
I found a link that might give you more detailed information about what to expect:
Reply:Egg pickup is done as a day surgery procedure under general anaesthetic. Follicles are sucked from the ovaries using a large needle inserted in the vaginal wall. There should be only minimal bleeding as a result of this procedure, but the bloating and tenderness will continue for a few days at least.
I've supported my sister thru two pick ups, and she was tender afterwards and was given pain killers. A day or so and she was fine.
Good luck with your IVF!
Reply:This is usually performed in the morning or early afternoon, approximately 36 hours after the hCG injection. Some clinics allow the male partner to attend the egg collection procedure if their wives have the operation under sedation. A monitor connected to the microscope will allow you to view the eggs when collected.
Methods of egg collection
Several methods can be employed to collect the eggs, these include:
Vaginal ultrasound guided egg collection
This is the most common technique; it is a minor and safe surgical procedure usually performed under sedation or a general anesthetic. Sedation is a safe and acceptable method of providing pain relief for egg collection.
A vaginal ultrasound probe with a fine hollow needle attached to it, is inserted into the vagina. Under ultrasound guidance, the needle is then advanced from the vaginal wall into the ovary to suck out the fluid from the follicle which contains the egg. Each egg is removed in turn through the needle by a suction device. Follicle flushing is not associated with improvement in pregnancy rates or the number of eggs collected, but does increase the duration of the procedure and associated pains. The whole procedure takes about 20-30 minutes.
You may experience some mild discomfort following the procedure, but this will be relieved with painkillers. Antibiotic is usually given to prevent infection.
Vaginal ultrsound egg collection.
Abdominal ultrasound guided egg collection
Occasionally, egg collection is performed by passing a needle through the abdominal wall into the ovaries under ultrasound guidance. This is usually performed if the ovaries are abnormally placed.
Originally, eggs were always collected laparoscopically. This method of egg collection is hardly ever used nowadays, as it requires a general anesthetic, in addition to the risks of laparoscopy.
The average number of eggs collected is about 12 depending upon the number of follicles present. Not every follicle contains an egg. Occasionally, no eggs are collected, so-called “empty follicle syndrome”. The reported incidence is about 1%. Sometimes, giving another dose of hCG and scheduling another egg collection 24 hours later could salvage the cycle. The cause of empty follicle syndrome is unknown, but it is possible that it is a drug related rather than a clinical problem.
Do most people ovulate from the same ovary every month or do I have a problem?
I seem to be having a sharp pain on right side about 3x a month at different times and am concerned I might have a fibroid/cyst..or does this mean my right ovary is the one getting ready to ovulate?
Do most people ovulate from the same ovary every month or do I have a problem?
Could be a cyst..you wouldn't be ovulatiing 3x's a month. I always got pain like that when I was ovulating... I've had cysts before and strong ovulation symptoms both felt somewhat similar.
Reply:If it is happening 3 times a month its most likely a cyst.
Do most people ovulate from the same ovary every month or do I have a problem?
Could be a cyst..you wouldn't be ovulatiing 3x's a month. I always got pain like that when I was ovulating... I've had cysts before and strong ovulation symptoms both felt somewhat similar.
Reply:If it is happening 3 times a month its most likely a cyst.
Having daily cramps and sometimes more sharp pain in my left ovary area?
This has been going on since my last period, (for about 2 weeks now) and is not an all-the-time thing, just comes and goes. I am going to the doctor as soon as my insurance starts back up, but does anyone have any idea what could cause this?
Having daily cramps and sometimes more sharp pain in my left ovary area?
it could be an ovarian cyst.
Reply:do you have a mirena in you. I have experienced the same type of pain since i had mine fitted. i have also read in somne forums of other women having the same problems after getting the mirena
Programming software
Having daily cramps and sometimes more sharp pain in my left ovary area?
it could be an ovarian cyst.
Reply:do you have a mirena in you. I have experienced the same type of pain since i had mine fitted. i have also read in somne forums of other women having the same problems after getting the mirena
Programming software
I recently had my right ovary and fallopian tube removed and scar tissue from?
3 previous ceseareans on the 28th of may and I usually have my menstrual cycle every month between the 6-12 and i hav'nt had it yet has anyone every stop coming on just by getting one ovary and tube removed the doctors say i shouldnt go into menopause but they dont say im not. Thanx for any responses
I recently had my right ovary and fallopian tube removed and scar tissue from?
If you had an ovary removed, you will only get your period every other month now. Each month, one ovary releases an egg. So you won't have a period when it's your right ovary's turn to ovulate.
Reply:It is just due to the surgery and anesthesia. Could take 6 months for it to be regular again.
Reply:I would chart your cycle %26amp; no, you're not going in the early menopause...you still have 1 good ovary intact.
Your surgery %26amp; stress will affect your cycle...
I would try the Basal Body Temperature test %26amp; see where you are in your cycle...
Basal body temperature is the body temperature measured immediately after awakening and before any physical activity has been undertaken. In women, ovulation causes an increase of one-half to one degree Fahrenheit (one-quarter to one-half degree Celsius) in basal body temperature (BBT); monitoring of BBTs is one way of estimating the day of ovulation. The tendency of a woman to have lower temperatures before ovulation, and higher temperatures afterwards, is known as a biphasic pattern. Charting of this pattern may be used as a component of fertility awareness.
I recently had my right ovary and fallopian tube removed and scar tissue from?
If you had an ovary removed, you will only get your period every other month now. Each month, one ovary releases an egg. So you won't have a period when it's your right ovary's turn to ovulate.
Reply:It is just due to the surgery and anesthesia. Could take 6 months for it to be regular again.
Reply:I would chart your cycle %26amp; no, you're not going in the early menopause...you still have 1 good ovary intact.
Your surgery %26amp; stress will affect your cycle...
I would try the Basal Body Temperature test %26amp; see where you are in your cycle...
Basal body temperature is the body temperature measured immediately after awakening and before any physical activity has been undertaken. In women, ovulation causes an increase of one-half to one degree Fahrenheit (one-quarter to one-half degree Celsius) in basal body temperature (BBT); monitoring of BBTs is one way of estimating the day of ovulation. The tendency of a woman to have lower temperatures before ovulation, and higher temperatures afterwards, is known as a biphasic pattern. Charting of this pattern may be used as a component of fertility awareness.
Is there a connection between the ovary and the thyroid gland?
sometimes if i have menstrual cramps/pains..my thyroid also aches..or it aches before the other..would it be possible they connect?
Is there a connection between the ovary and the thyroid gland?
Could be. Your thyroid can cause "menstrual-like symptoms," and likewise your menstrual cycle can cause "thyroid-like" symptoms.
Find a doctor in your area who will do bio-identical hormones. I say this because your levels may fall within normal lab specs, but in reality they may not be high enough or they may be too high for you.
They will test your estrogen/progesterone levels as well as your thyroid levels including T3.
Is there a connection between the ovary and the thyroid gland?
Could be. Your thyroid can cause "menstrual-like symptoms," and likewise your menstrual cycle can cause "thyroid-like" symptoms.
Find a doctor in your area who will do bio-identical hormones. I say this because your levels may fall within normal lab specs, but in reality they may not be high enough or they may be too high for you.
They will test your estrogen/progesterone levels as well as your thyroid levels including T3.
Is a hetrogenious lession within the ovary, could that mean ovarain cancer?
it is ill definded. Needs d and c and a biopsy. so please answer my question if you can. Thank you.
Is a hetrogenious lession within the ovary, could that mean ovarain cancer?
arr sorry
Is a hetrogenious lession within the ovary, could that mean ovarain cancer?
arr sorry
How can i get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome??
Since i started having sex i harley had my period but i never went to a doctor. Now that i am trying to have a baby i decide see a doctor and they told me that i had polycystic ovary syndrome. I am going to start a treatment but i want to see if i have any other options or faster way??
How can i get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome??
The treatment they'll give you is likely a drug like Metformin that will increase your sensitivity to insulin. That in and of itself might be enough to regulate your cycles so you get pregnant. There are no other simpler, natural ways. The other ways involve expensive fertility treatments. With one exception: if you are very overweight, then losing weight will likely increase your fertility.
Reply:there you go...sex on a harley!!
Reply:hi i suffer from this too and i was perscribed clomid tablets.i now have 2 lovely sons aged 10 and 3.i conceived my 2nd son after the second course of tablets.have a chat with your doc and go through the options with them.diet also helps so im told but hey i like my food too much haha.
whatever you decide i wish you all the luck
Reply:I've heard that many women get pregnant with POS boyfriends.
Reply:I have PCOS and I got pregnant. I needed a D%26amp;C in order to get pregnant.
long shoe horns
How can i get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome??
The treatment they'll give you is likely a drug like Metformin that will increase your sensitivity to insulin. That in and of itself might be enough to regulate your cycles so you get pregnant. There are no other simpler, natural ways. The other ways involve expensive fertility treatments. With one exception: if you are very overweight, then losing weight will likely increase your fertility.
Reply:there you go...sex on a harley!!
Reply:hi i suffer from this too and i was perscribed clomid tablets.i now have 2 lovely sons aged 10 and 3.i conceived my 2nd son after the second course of tablets.have a chat with your doc and go through the options with them.diet also helps so im told but hey i like my food too much haha.
whatever you decide i wish you all the luck
Reply:I've heard that many women get pregnant with POS boyfriends.
Reply:I have PCOS and I got pregnant. I needed a D%26amp;C in order to get pregnant.
long shoe horns
How would only having one tube and one ovary affect my planning of a pregnancy?
I know I am able to have children I have one daughter, but now I am planning on a second and don't know if this affects the way my eggs fall or not. I lost my ovary during a surgery 9 years ago.
How would only having one tube and one ovary affect my planning of a pregnancy?
I have POCS and only have a 1/4 of my right ovary remaining.
my first son was conceived 3 months after the removal of my left ovary. He is now 31/4. My second son now 20 weeks was conceived 6 months after having 3/4 of my right ovary removed. I was seeing a natropath for a fertility diet and some really disgusting herbal tablets and liquids. But I believe they helped.
My oncologist tells me that as my 1/4 ovary has done it once it should do it again. So we are trying for number 3!
To sum it all up Yes it is possible to conceive with one (or in my case less) ovary!
Reply:You really need to ask your doctor, but you would only actually ovulate every other month with one ovary, so yes...it would affect your planning.
How would only having one tube and one ovary affect my planning of a pregnancy?
I have POCS and only have a 1/4 of my right ovary remaining.
my first son was conceived 3 months after the removal of my left ovary. He is now 31/4. My second son now 20 weeks was conceived 6 months after having 3/4 of my right ovary removed. I was seeing a natropath for a fertility diet and some really disgusting herbal tablets and liquids. But I believe they helped.
My oncologist tells me that as my 1/4 ovary has done it once it should do it again. So we are trying for number 3!
To sum it all up Yes it is possible to conceive with one (or in my case less) ovary!
Reply:You really need to ask your doctor, but you would only actually ovulate every other month with one ovary, so yes...it would affect your planning.
Can someone fall pregnant with only one ovary and no menstration?
my friend has only one ovary and she does not menstrating monthly. is there a chance that she can fall pregnant one day.
Can someone fall pregnant with only one ovary and no menstration?
Yes, you only need one ovary to concieve ( I only have one and a half left after surgery) The mesntruation I am a bit concerned about because she needs to ovulate to become pregnant.
She should see a doctor.
Reply:Yes she can "get" pregnant, now falling and getting pregnant, I never heard of that one. God Bless.
Reply:maybe not, did she have a partial hysterectomy? Maybe that's why she doesn't have a menstruation. If this is the case then she may not. But on the other side if her other ovary works fine, she may be able to get medication to induce her cycle and eventually have a baby. She should talk to an infertility specialist.
Reply:Absolutely! A period does not always mean you are ovulating. Best of luck : )
The girl above me is an ignoramus. Falling pregnant is a term that is used in the UK for becoming pregnant. I am American %26amp; i know that. You cant expect everyone to use the same English words for the same meaning all throughout the English speaking world.
Can someone fall pregnant with only one ovary and no menstration?
Yes, you only need one ovary to concieve ( I only have one and a half left after surgery) The mesntruation I am a bit concerned about because she needs to ovulate to become pregnant.
She should see a doctor.
Reply:Yes she can "get" pregnant, now falling and getting pregnant, I never heard of that one. God Bless.
Reply:maybe not, did she have a partial hysterectomy? Maybe that's why she doesn't have a menstruation. If this is the case then she may not. But on the other side if her other ovary works fine, she may be able to get medication to induce her cycle and eventually have a baby. She should talk to an infertility specialist.
Reply:Absolutely! A period does not always mean you are ovulating. Best of luck : )
The girl above me is an ignoramus. Falling pregnant is a term that is used in the UK for becoming pregnant. I am American %26amp; i know that. You cant expect everyone to use the same English words for the same meaning all throughout the English speaking world.
Did any of you get a sharp pain in what felt like your ovary at 5 - 6 weeks?
I got that pain yesterday. It really freaked me out. Normally i have been having the usually menstral cramps, but this was in what felt like my left ovary, and I had to stand up and stretch, and breath slowly for it to go away.
Has anyone had this before, and their pregnancy was perfectly fine, and they didn't have an ectopic pregnancy?
Did any of you get a sharp pain in what felt like your ovary at 5 - 6 weeks?
i had sharp cramping or sharp pains numerous times between 6-8 weeks it was so bad i would have to lay in bed, and not move, until it passed, it really helps. i'm now 13 weeks and have no problems, and my doctor said it was perfectly normal because it's your insides stretching out to make room for your growing baby. only be concerned if you have cramps along with bleeding. i say just take it easy and lay down as often as possible when these pains occur because they are totally unbearable.
Reply:it could be that but if the pain is no constant then I would think it is more gas or needing to make a bowel movement. it could also be stretching ligiments I would get ligiment pains that early they are way worse now but at 5-6 weeks to me it felt like sharp pains when I would move a ceratin way or get up or sit down. when your uterus starts to expand it puts pressure on these ligiments and cause some time what may seem like unbearible pains.
Reply:I had the same pains, and had a cyst rupture on my ovary. My doctor said it was very common in pregnant women and not to worry about it.
Reply:yes i had this its called round ligament pains ... lol
get used to them once in a while youll get it it just means your babys pushhing everything outta the way to make room for him or her!
Reply:When I was pregnant I cramped all the time for the first 3 months. My doctor said that it was normal in some people. Like having morning sickness or something.
Reply:That's just your ligaments stretching. It's uncomfortable, but no cause for concern.
Just wait for the sciatic nerve pain....OUCHHHHH!
Reply:u might be pregnancy
Has anyone had this before, and their pregnancy was perfectly fine, and they didn't have an ectopic pregnancy?
Did any of you get a sharp pain in what felt like your ovary at 5 - 6 weeks?
i had sharp cramping or sharp pains numerous times between 6-8 weeks it was so bad i would have to lay in bed, and not move, until it passed, it really helps. i'm now 13 weeks and have no problems, and my doctor said it was perfectly normal because it's your insides stretching out to make room for your growing baby. only be concerned if you have cramps along with bleeding. i say just take it easy and lay down as often as possible when these pains occur because they are totally unbearable.
Reply:it could be that but if the pain is no constant then I would think it is more gas or needing to make a bowel movement. it could also be stretching ligiments I would get ligiment pains that early they are way worse now but at 5-6 weeks to me it felt like sharp pains when I would move a ceratin way or get up or sit down. when your uterus starts to expand it puts pressure on these ligiments and cause some time what may seem like unbearible pains.
Reply:I had the same pains, and had a cyst rupture on my ovary. My doctor said it was very common in pregnant women and not to worry about it.
Reply:yes i had this its called round ligament pains ... lol
get used to them once in a while youll get it it just means your babys pushhing everything outta the way to make room for him or her!
Reply:When I was pregnant I cramped all the time for the first 3 months. My doctor said that it was normal in some people. Like having morning sickness or something.
Reply:That's just your ligaments stretching. It's uncomfortable, but no cause for concern.
Just wait for the sciatic nerve pain....OUCHHHHH!
Reply:u might be pregnancy
Do chocolate cysts on the ovary increase the risk of cancer?
My gyno told me yesterday that there is an increased risk of 5 to 20% of cancer having these cysts and they should be removed. I have never heard this before and can't find any info to support this on the net. I'm paranoid of surgery and was wondering if anyone has also been told about a correlation with cancer. Was my doctor exaggerating?
Do chocolate cysts on the ovary increase the risk of cancer?
hun i am in the med field a RN and i have NEVER HEARD OF THESE DOUBLE CHK I THINK MAYBE U MISUNDERSTOOD HIM??????
No, apparently not, but they may take years to develop when you are in your 50's.
Reply:we call chocolate cysts, that produced for endometriosis, and endometrio is a kind tissue internal covering uterus, when the women are pregnant the baby implant there, but if is no pregnancy on it, this endometrio get out whit ovule and this is menstruation, then endometriosis is the same tissue, but out of the uterus(overall in abdominal and pelvic cavities)and this tissue can produce Chocolate cysts, then you must to ask to doctor about this condition(many doctors doesn't have education about it). exist medicine for endometriosis, but only for laparoscopy your doctor can give you a diagnostic and clean it up inside, but i never recommended the histerectomy,because this really don't help( only the doctor get more money)
Do chocolate cysts on the ovary increase the risk of cancer?
hun i am in the med field a RN and i have NEVER HEARD OF THESE DOUBLE CHK I THINK MAYBE U MISUNDERSTOOD HIM??????
No, apparently not, but they may take years to develop when you are in your 50's.
Reply:we call chocolate cysts, that produced for endometriosis, and endometrio is a kind tissue internal covering uterus, when the women are pregnant the baby implant there, but if is no pregnancy on it, this endometrio get out whit ovule and this is menstruation, then endometriosis is the same tissue, but out of the uterus(overall in abdominal and pelvic cavities)and this tissue can produce Chocolate cysts, then you must to ask to doctor about this condition(many doctors doesn't have education about it). exist medicine for endometriosis, but only for laparoscopy your doctor can give you a diagnostic and clean it up inside, but i never recommended the histerectomy,because this really don't help( only the doctor get more money)
What does "a cyst on your ovary" indicate?
I went for an ultrasound last month. The doctor says I have a cyst on my ovary. He wants me to come back for another ultrasound next month. Has anyone ever had one of these? Should I be worried? What does it mean?
What does "a cyst on your ovary" indicate?
We all have cysts in our ovaries called follicles...however you must have had one that was a little larger than normal. They just monitor it to make sure it goes down. I wouldnt worry about it.
Reply:Most functional ovarian cysts go away without treatment within 1 to 3 menstrual cycles. If you have a functional cyst that persists through 2 to 3 menstrual cycles or that causes symptoms, your health professional will probably recommend birth control pills, which stop the ovulation process. Birth control pills should prevent new functional cysts from developing, but they may not speed up the shrinkage of an existing cyst.
If a cyst does not go away, your health professional may want to surgically remove the cyst.
If you have a cyst that bleeds or causes severe pain, you can have it surgically removed
Reply:I wouldn't worry too much. I have several cysts, and have for about a year. Just make sure you go back for the follow up appointment.
A small cyst, the corpus luteum, is formed during ovulation. If the egg is fertilized, the cyst produces progesterone to maintain the pregnancy until the placenta is developed enough to take over.
So you cyst could be this type, or could be for another reason. Most doctors don't worry about them until they're fairly large. The follow up appointment will most likely be to see if the cyst has grown. They're uncomfortable, and really painful if they burst.
What does "a cyst on your ovary" indicate?
We all have cysts in our ovaries called follicles...however you must have had one that was a little larger than normal. They just monitor it to make sure it goes down. I wouldnt worry about it.
Reply:Most functional ovarian cysts go away without treatment within 1 to 3 menstrual cycles. If you have a functional cyst that persists through 2 to 3 menstrual cycles or that causes symptoms, your health professional will probably recommend birth control pills, which stop the ovulation process. Birth control pills should prevent new functional cysts from developing, but they may not speed up the shrinkage of an existing cyst.
If a cyst does not go away, your health professional may want to surgically remove the cyst.
If you have a cyst that bleeds or causes severe pain, you can have it surgically removed
Reply:I wouldn't worry too much. I have several cysts, and have for about a year. Just make sure you go back for the follow up appointment.
A small cyst, the corpus luteum, is formed during ovulation. If the egg is fertilized, the cyst produces progesterone to maintain the pregnancy until the placenta is developed enough to take over.
So you cyst could be this type, or could be for another reason. Most doctors don't worry about them until they're fairly large. The follow up appointment will most likely be to see if the cyst has grown. They're uncomfortable, and really painful if they burst.
Are women with polycystic ovary less likely to conceive a baby?
Is there still a cure for it?
Are women with polycystic ovary less likely to conceive a baby?
yes, but it is not impossible even with the cysts. However, to increase your chance of conception and a safe pregnancy drink METFORMIN everyday. I guarantee, it helps! Ya, metformin is a diabetes drug, but it will help you. I hope you try it. GOOD LUCK!
Reply:Yes - they are less likely to conceive on their own.
No - there is not a cure for it, but there are many many many treatments for fertility that works for a majority of women with PCOS. There are also diet and exercise reccomendations that can help decrease symptoms of PCOS.
Reply:i hope not. i have pcos.
Reply:I had to have both my ovaries removed from PCOD.
It was an extrememly painful condition.
Good Luck
Reply:They say its harder for a woman to concieve with this condition but I know women who had this condition to conceive no problem. One of the best cures ironically is conception and pregnancy - a friend of ours had the condition, became pregnant, and lost the condition after her first pregnancy.
Reply:You only need one ovary to conceive, but you definitely need to take care of this problem. Best of luck to you.
Reply:Just Me is correct. It is harder to conceive with PCOS but not impossible.
There is no cure and it is a progressive disease so you should discuss your options with your doctor if you are TTC.
Good luck.
Reply:Yes but the likelihood of infertiity varies according to the severity of the syndrome. There is no cure but there are many successful treatments.
Reply:Sometimes...the point is that one of the symptoms of PCOS is infertility...so if your wife has polycystic ovaries, she may well also have the syndrome. Talk to your doctor about it.
Reply:yes it is less likely to conceive, I have pcos and have been ttc#1 for 4 years there is no cure for the symptoms but there is treatments, it might be less likely to get pregnant but it can happen, miracles happen everyday to ladies with pcos there is hope don't give up, and many ladies here on yahoo got a BFP with pcos
Are women with polycystic ovary less likely to conceive a baby?
yes, but it is not impossible even with the cysts. However, to increase your chance of conception and a safe pregnancy drink METFORMIN everyday. I guarantee, it helps! Ya, metformin is a diabetes drug, but it will help you. I hope you try it. GOOD LUCK!
Reply:Yes - they are less likely to conceive on their own.
No - there is not a cure for it, but there are many many many treatments for fertility that works for a majority of women with PCOS. There are also diet and exercise reccomendations that can help decrease symptoms of PCOS.
Reply:i hope not. i have pcos.
Reply:I had to have both my ovaries removed from PCOD.
It was an extrememly painful condition.
Good Luck
Reply:They say its harder for a woman to concieve with this condition but I know women who had this condition to conceive no problem. One of the best cures ironically is conception and pregnancy - a friend of ours had the condition, became pregnant, and lost the condition after her first pregnancy.
Reply:You only need one ovary to conceive, but you definitely need to take care of this problem. Best of luck to you.
Reply:Just Me is correct. It is harder to conceive with PCOS but not impossible.
There is no cure and it is a progressive disease so you should discuss your options with your doctor if you are TTC.
Good luck.
Reply:Yes but the likelihood of infertiity varies according to the severity of the syndrome. There is no cure but there are many successful treatments.
Reply:Sometimes...the point is that one of the symptoms of PCOS is infertility...so if your wife has polycystic ovaries, she may well also have the syndrome. Talk to your doctor about it.
Reply:yes it is less likely to conceive, I have pcos and have been ttc#1 for 4 years there is no cure for the symptoms but there is treatments, it might be less likely to get pregnant but it can happen, miracles happen everyday to ladies with pcos there is hope don't give up, and many ladies here on yahoo got a BFP with pcos
Are the chances slim of having another child after Polycystic ovary syndrome?
Having trouble falling pregnant again.I have pocs and finding it difficult to concieve just wondering what the odds are??
Are the chances slim of having another child after Polycystic ovary syndrome?
For some it's pretty good. Some of the ladies I have talked to were able to do it with the help of Clomid and others from taking Glucophage (a medicine that treats Diabetes) to help with treating the step before Diabetes called Insulin Resistance. They found that it regulated their period and they were able to get pregnant easily.
Reply:Im not sure of the specific chances. there is a medication called clomid. it is a fertility medication that alot of pcos patients use to help concieve.
Reply:It depends how bad you have it? I have it also, it took me 6 months to fall pregnant with my 2nd. Good luck.
Are the chances slim of having another child after Polycystic ovary syndrome?
For some it's pretty good. Some of the ladies I have talked to were able to do it with the help of Clomid and others from taking Glucophage (a medicine that treats Diabetes) to help with treating the step before Diabetes called Insulin Resistance. They found that it regulated their period and they were able to get pregnant easily.
Reply:Im not sure of the specific chances. there is a medication called clomid. it is a fertility medication that alot of pcos patients use to help concieve.
Reply:It depends how bad you have it? I have it also, it took me 6 months to fall pregnant with my 2nd. Good luck.
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